Form factor | Clam shell |
QWERTY keyboard | No |
Platform | Nokia S40 |
Weight | 97 g |
Measurements (WxHxD) | 85 mm x 45 mm x 24 mm |
Display size | 2" |
Display technology? | TFT |
Two displays | Yes |
Resolution | 128 x 160 |
Colors | 65,536 (16-bit) |
Touch screen | No |
2G networks | GSM 900 / GSM 1800 |
Storage memory? | 0,004 GB |
2G networks | GSM 1900 |
Memory card slot | No memory card slot |
Data? | EDGE / GPRS |
Bluetooth | No |
Infrared | Yes |
Camera | Yes |
Auto focus | No |
Image stabilizer | No |
Camera | 0,3 MP |
Optical zoom | No |
Lens cover | No |
Flash light | No |
Selfie camera | No |
MMS? | Yes |
Video calls | No |
GPS | No |
FM radio | Yes |
Web browser | Yes |
Battery life / Talk | 3 h |
Battery life / Stand-by | 250 h |
Manufacturer product code(s) | DUMNOK6101 / NOK6101B / NOK6101P / nok6101wz |
UPC / EAN code(s) | 6417182452239 |
- Data (Packet data modes)
Data transfer modes that are based on packet switching method rather than circuit switching, and offer a much faster and more efficient data transfer. For more information and comparision see for example here.
- MMS (MMS support)
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a standard for telephone messaging systems that allows sending messages that include multimedia objects (images, audio, video, rich text) and not just text as in Short Message Service (SMS).
- RAM memory (RAM memory)
RAM (Random access memory ) is the internal memory of the phone used to execute programs etc.
- Display technology (Display technology)
Display technology in use. The options (from worse to best) are STN (LCD), CSTN (Color STN), TFT (Thin-Film Transistor), and OLED (organic light-emitting diode). The first three are all based on LCD technology, which unlike OLED, do require backlight.
- Storage memory (Built-in storage memory)
Built-in storage memory expresses the amount of memory space available for storage of ringtones, pictures, videos, games etc. The most commonly used memory type is flash.
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