Intel Core 2 Extreme QX6850

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Socket 775 / 3GHz / Quad-Core / 8MB
Manufacturer: Intel | Product category: CPUs
Socket Socket 775
Clock speed 3GHz
Bus speed? 1333MHz
64-bit Yes
Multi-core Quad-Core
L2 cache 8MB
Process 65nm
Additional info Intel Virtualization Technology
Manufacturer product code(s) BX80562QX6850
UPC / EAN code(s) 0735858195522 / 0735858195522 / 5032037007818 / 5032037007818 / 735858195522

  • Bus speed (Bus speed)

    Bus speed indicates the Front Side Bus (FSB) clock speed on Intel processors, and HyperTransport (HT) clock speed on AMD processors supporting HT.

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