Now, the N95 is the golden egg amongst phones... Most people have heard of it, and many want it. It is very expensive, but on an affordable contract of £22.50 a month with T-Mobile, not all that overpriced. Besides, for the features it's got, it's defiantly worth it!
Now, good points, it has a stunning 5mp Camera, rivaled by many Phones, but more importantly dedicated Cameras! It has very, easy to use, navigation features around the phone, and if outside, and you slide your phone up, a very quick locking GPS on the new versions! Personally I don't like Nokia's own navigation software, you have to pay to enable all the functions you would expect as standard, so I downloaded Google Maps for the N95, and this is extremely good as I locks on about 2 times quicker to satellites than Nokia's own Maps! The software you can download for these phones are also amazing too, there is such a huge variety
The only moans I do have however... Within the first day of having it, the stop button LED on the music mode broke, so I am only left with an odd 3 LED's now! Also, the slide function seem's a bit tacky, it creaks alot, and is very noisy when it does, and it's very unstable, it always seem's on the verge of breaking... The camera opening is not very well thought out, a big design floor, and without an unlimited data usage plan, you can't really use the phone to it's full potential! And a classic problem with the N95, well 2 actually, one is the battery life, very quickly runs out, and another is the dreaded "Memory Full, Please close an Application", yes, there is very little memory.
But on the up side again, the built in speaker's reach a very loud capability, especially upon altering a few settings in the music player, Very portable music machine!
Well, I still think it's definatly worth it's money, and this phone is one which I personally couldn't make do without
Definite Buy!
Product reviews by 'xsketchx'
Nokia N95

Rating: 5 / 5
Value for money: 3 / 5