AfterDawn: Tech news

CES 2008: Microsoft could consider Blu-ray accessory for Xbox 360

Written by James Delahunty @ 08 Jan 2008 6:51 User comments (60)

CES 2008: Microsoft could consider Blu-ray accessory for Xbox 360 At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Albert Penello, group marketing manager for Xbox hardware indicated that Microsoft could consider making a Blu-ray accessory available for the Xbox 360 console even though it remains a backer of the HD DVD format. "It should be consumer choice; and if that's the way they vote, that's something we'll have to consider," he said when asked if Microsoft would support Blu-ray if HD DVD failed.
He said the company does not consider Warner Bros.' surprise decision last week to back the Blu-ray format exclusively as having a negative impact on the Xbox 360 in the current "console war". "I fundamentally don't think ... this has a significant impact on Xbox 360 versus (Sony's) PlayStation 3," he told Reuters at CES.

"With the PlayStation 2, DVD was a big part in the beginning, but over time, people were not buying it as a DVD player after first year or two," Penello said. While you can purchase a relatively cheap HD DVD external drive for the Xbox 360 console for high-definition movies, the PlayStation 3 (PS3) comes loaded with its own Blu-ray player.

"You can't say it's not a bummer, not a setback, but I've seen this battle declared over so many times," Penello said of Warner's decision. "I want consumers to have a voice in this and I think there are a lot of consumers who bought HD DVD who are going to have a say in how this shakes out."

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60 user comments

18.1.2008 19:42

I hope Microsoft makes an official announcement and makes a Blue Ray Disc Player just like the HD DVD Player. This will be good news for me since I have an xbox 360. I don't want to have to spend more money on another system.

28.1.2008 19:54

Originally posted by kar10:
I hope Microsoft makes an official announcement and makes a Blue Ray Disc Player just like the HD DVD Player. This will be good news for me since I have an xbox 360. I don't want to have to spend more money on another system.
Couldn't agree more BD media should be for both console & not one but BDA isn't that dumb if they are trying to be the next media for the future they have no choice but to have a add-on or some kind of BD play back device for 360 down the road.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Jan 2008 @ 7:55

38.1.2008 20:13

I don't know, it's a good idea but they're basically supporting their "enemy"(Sony) I guess.

48.1.2008 20:18

I knew sooner or later M$ would possibly jump on board. Actually they had a article on here that laid the seed for this to swirl in peoples minds. I bet that new 360 Ultimate that is just a rumor so to speak may end up with a Blu-ray drive in it. Thats going to be funny seeing like 4 - 5 revisions in such a short spand.

58.1.2008 21:09

they want $$$ now that hd-dvd is losing the battle they want to be in the game

68.1.2008 21:23

Originally posted by chaos_zzz:
they want $$$ now that hd-dvd is losing the battle they want to be in the game
Microsoft have to start building a Blue-Ray Player because they might start losing money in Xbox 360 sales. Many people think Xbox 360 synonymous to HD DVD and they have to show people that they also support Blue-Ray.

78.1.2008 22:18

Microsoft definitely needs a Blu-Ray add on player ASAP. Its no secret that BluRay is killing HD-DVD as far as support goes. Seems like once a week, somebody is dropping out of supporting HD-DVD and jumping on the BluRay bandwagon. Doesnt really matter to me, because I have a PS3 as well.

88.1.2008 22:35

wow that would be great for me as a 360 owner.
I just hope its 2.0, or at least 1.1 with guarantee of 2.0 with a future firmware upgrade

98.1.2008 22:39

no1 on the BDA would give microsoft the rights to produce blu-ray since microsoft made blu-ray also lose money because the format war was extended after the pay-offs microsoft made.

let microsoft rot in hell.

108.1.2008 22:41

I dont care who wins this format war as long as the customer wins in the end! I do have a 360 & a separate HD DVD player (friend got for gift) anyways i think it would be smart because it may bring over a few people who are on the edge of 360 or PS3! there have got to be a few people who go PS3 due to Bluray player, not that this is the nly reason they are buyign the PS3 but that is the deciding factor, i know because i had thought PS3 for that reason! but ended up with 360. I also know that as soon as i heard that Warner is leaving us HD folk to join Blu Ray i had pondered looking @ a PS3 in the next year for my bluray player! but i wont if the 360 has an add on!

118.1.2008 22:48

LOL, this is too funny. Now that they actually realize how stupid they are to not have put in the HD DVD in the Beggining. And even if it gets "Blu-ray accessory" the console will still because of they crappy decision on the DVD9.

128.1.2008 22:55

this could be a win-lose for the BDA
win, because they can get the xbox360 owners into BD in an appealing way and (hopefully) inexpensively.
lose, because..well all those 360 owners who want to go blu aren't going to buy a PS3 or other BD player for it.

138.1.2008 23:17

Originally posted by xXxBG:
LOL, this is too funny. Now that they actually realize how stupid they are to not have put in the HD DVD in the Beggining. And even if it gets "Blu-ray accessory" the console will still because of they crappy decision on the DVD9.
That wasn't a stupid move. It was a smart move!

Just imagine a Xbox 360 with an integrated HD DVD Player right now specially how things are going with HD DVD.

Many people would probably stop buying an Xbox 360 because they might think that HD DVD is dead.

Instead they knew from the start that HD DVD could fail. Now the only thing they have to do is just add a Blue Ray Player and they are back in business.

148.1.2008 23:21

Originally posted by xXxBG:
LOL, this is too funny. Now that they actually realize how stupid they are to not have put in the HD DVD in the Beggining. And even if it gets "Blu-ray accessory" the console will still because of they crappy decision on the DVD9.
That wasn't a stupid move. It was a smart move!

Just imagine a Xbox 360 with an integrated HD DVD Player right now specially how things are going with HD DVD.

Many people would probably stop buying an Xbox 360 because they might think that HD DVD is dead.

Instead they knew from the start that HD DVD could fail. Now the only thing they have to do is just add a Blue Ray Player and they are back in business.
lol but doesnt make me want to have much faith in future microsoft projects =P

158.1.2008 23:24

Originally posted by xXxBG:
LOL, this is too funny. Now that they actually realize how stupid they are to not have put in the HD DVD in the Beggining. And even if it gets "Blu-ray accessory" the console will still because of they crappy decision on the DVD9.
IIRC HD DVD was not available or not a finalized product yet when the 360 was launched.

The 360 was launched November 22, 2005. The first HD DVD player from Toshiba was introduced March 31, 2006 in Japan and April 18, 2006 in the US.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 08 Jan 2008 @ 11:26

168.1.2008 23:48

if its only for movies, i don't see this happening... look at the number of 360 owners and the number of hd-dvd addons sold...

unless if they start putting games on hi-def media

178.1.2008 23:49

Many of you are idiots. All of you, it seems, are so anxious for this "format war" to come to an end? If I may ask, for what reason? The "war" brings lower prices. The DVD forum, or HD FORUM (not sure which) are the REAL culprits that need to be bleep. They are the ones requiring expensive licensing and making these companies support one or the other. If each company was able to produce for both formats, than the war would cease, and prices would stay relatively low. HD is superior to the fact that it is cheaper, and the encryption is weaker. (this is only good because I am an idiot pirate) Also, many of you knock MS for being such bleep. Except you forget, they are the reason computing is in the state it is today, they have had many of the first innovations, not to mention I'm sure many of you are still running their OS. I don't like Windows, and run Ubuntu but they do have good products. Back to the format war......if it does end, have fun paying for all the technologies in BLUE RAY..... you guys may find some information that will piss you off. I guess most of you love the MPAA. I know you do.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 10:00

188.1.2008 23:49

if microsoft werent so greedy to get the console out so fast and waited for the specs to be finalized and took an even bigger loss like sony did then there would be no format war. sony had a plan all along. their a consumer electronics company and that reflects in their strategies. ps1 could play cds and the format was cd rom. ps2 we all know. ps3 we all know. who ever says they use that as a trojan horse might be a hater and is trying to use it in a bad way or in a 'sony is evil' kind of way but their not really lying. this is what they had planned for all along. msoft knew it, sony was a threat to them. about 10 years after the ps1 launched and the 360 and ps3 are both here we see what is all about. who ever says sony and drm evil blah blah blah trying to take over the world screwing consumers this and that, needs to ask themselfes why m$ got into the video game world in the first place? the same reason that they released ther zune. same thing. those pieces of hardware both serve a similar interest. so msoft and sony are both the same really. in the future, electronics will both merge into one and they want to grab a piece of the share before they are left out.

just my 2 cents of opinion.

199.1.2008 00:30

That and about $1-billion in payoffs to Warner and Fox and they have the "winning" format! Yeah Sony!

209.1.2008 03:17

There are obstacles to a BR add on for the 360 is price and that will effect software/film sales.

HDVD would be better for games on the 360 simply because they can change to it at low or no cost.

Still price and big biz deals are the only concern for BR on the 360.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 3:20

219.1.2008 03:22

electronics will all* merge into one*** i meant!

229.1.2008 03:31

Originally posted by jove:
if microsoft werent so greedy to get the console out so fast and waited for the specs to be finalized and took an even bigger loss like sony did then there would be no format war. sony had a plan all along. their a consumer electronics company and that reflects in their strategies. ps1 could play cds and the format was cd rom. ps2 we all know. ps3 we all know. who ever says they use that as a trojan horse might be a hater and is trying to use it in a bad way or in a 'sony is evil' kind of way but their not really lying. this is what they had planned for all along. msoft knew it, sony was a threat to them. about 10 years after the ps1 launched and the 360 and ps3 are both here we see what is all about. who ever says sony and drm evil blah blah blah trying to take over the world screwing consumers this and that, needs to ask themselfes why m$ got into the video game world in the first place? the same reason that they released ther zune. same thing. those pieces of hardware both serve a similar interest. so msoft and sony are both the same really. in the future, electronics will both merge into one and they want to grab a piece of the share before they are left out.

just my 2 cents of opinion.
Well if MS planed at all the 360 would be a better deal to the consumer than the PS3 is..well at least the 60GB unit..thats the only real PS3...anyway, if MS simply made component to HDMI adapter this could be easily upgraded to HDMI spec 1.2 to take audio if they added a digital sound out it could handle most of the newer spec butat elast be better than the first version of the 360, if MS unlocked the HDD and let the consumer change it at whim as well as built the 360 to not be an easy break oven that eats discs the 360 would easily be a better value to the consumer but with all thos issues at 350+ the 60GB unit at 350-450 of the PS3 is the better vaule in hardware and spec.

Really MS could have done better but they had to make the fist move if they did not they would not be the top game seller, its just a shame MS had damaged the 360 so much even so it still sales well and the bottom line they protect.

Sony is no different in protecting their bottom line they might have built the PS3 better but it has as many issues from the pitiful launch and revisions to optimization issues.

239.1.2008 03:42

personally i dont see an addon coming any time soon. mircosoft has their own agenda. i don't think its coincidental that possibly the largest checkbook out there remained closed when it came to the warner deal, if there even was some form of an exchange that took place.

they simply went with an HD-DVD addon because if one were to add up all the costs involved in buying a 360 with say a Blu-ray drive, which probably would have retailed for ATLEAST $100 MORE than what the HD-DVD drive intially retailed for, consumers would realize the better deal would be found with the all inclusive ps3.

a $400 360 premium back in the day with an addon of atleast say $300 or so if it was blu-ray would put the cost of the 360 at 700$, already 100$ more than the 60gig ps3 back when. it wasn't the right fit if you ask me.

also i'd be pretty surprised if the 360 lasted another 4 years. i dont think they have the same longterm plans as sony with the playstation 3. so i really don't see blu-ray in their plans, well not till the cost of standalones decrease a little more. may be next year or two but i wouldn't bet on it. they are pushing their product

Originally posted by zippy:
HDVD would be better for games on the 360 simply because they can change to it at low or no cost.

that might be the case but say they released games on HD-DVD tomorrow, what would you expect the price of games to be? increase $5 or stay the same. if they stayed the same then sorry but i myself own a 360 and personally i would feel insulted and ripped off if this became the case. pc games release on the same format as 360 games (standard DVD) yet they are generally $10 CHEAPER! how is it the case that 360 games still COST MORE and how would they be able to charge the same price, given that scenario?
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 3:48

249.1.2008 03:44

you know what, if microsoft build a better console, their console would be more than a video game. it could have influenced the industry the way the ps3 is. ten years down the road and the ps3 helped bring down the costs of the diodes which they will use in other blu ray players and bring the price down faster, etc. i think msoft, even if they end 1st in sales and even if they surpass the wii, what kind of influence they will have in the industry. sony on the other hand. if they end up 3d, they helped push their format and so on. i think msoft didnt realised the impact or the reach that video games have and the people they reach. if they have gamers that are like good graphics and are willing to spend 60-100$ dollars a gaame, willing to pay for live, then they missed a good oportunity of tapin that same audience for hd dvd's sake. sony tho, im no defending them or supporting them in any way, they took a big loss from the begining and seemed to have a plan. sure the launched was bad and not too many games from the begining but think about it, the cell went down or will go down to 65nm, graphics card too, diodes, i think they went full force with it. msoft, could take over the video game industry but it didnt push their interests their way.

i dunno just my 2 more cents so make that 4 ;) peace

259.1.2008 04:00

personally i dont see an addon coming any time soon. mircosoft has their own agenda. i don't think its coincidental that possibly the largest checkbook out there remained closed when it came to the warner deal, if there even was some form of an exchange that took place.

they simply went with an HD-DVD addon because if one were to add up all the costs involved in buying a 360 with say a Blu-ray drive, which probably would have retailed for ATLEAST $100 MORE than what the HD-DVD drive intially retailed for, consumers would realize the better deal would be found with the all inclusive ps3.

a $400 360 premium back in the day with an addon of atleast say $300 or so if it was blu-ray would put the cost of the 360 at 700$, already 100$ more than the 60gig ps3 back when. it wasn't the right fit if you ask me.

also i'd be pretty surprised if the 360 lasted another 4 years. i dont think they have the same longterm plans as sony with the playstation 3.

Originally posted by zippy:
HDVD would be better for games on the 360 simply because they can change to it at low or no cost.

that might be the case but say they released games on HD-DVD tomorrow, what would you expect the price of games to be? increase $5 or stay the same. if they stayed the same then sorry but i myself own a 360 and personally i would feel insulted and ripped off if this became the case. pc games release on the same format as 360 games (standard DVD) yet they are generally $10 CHEAPER! how is this the case and how would they be able to charge the same price, given that scenario?

Heres the trick they do not need to rise the price of games its a losing battle that just slows sales,there will be a 5-15% "loss" in game sales but its low enough to make up for moving over to it, also if it went up 5$ it would not really change anything 5$ is nothing on a 50-60$ game.

Frankly I have had a 360 for months borrowed from a friend it is ALREADY a rip off the hardware issues and the HDD issues its just pure BS for the premium price they want for it.

Moving the lineup to HDVD in 2-4 years is not that bad a deal not with the add on being the price of 2 games, but that is the main thing PRICE if they can not make it cheap to the consumer its pointlessand doomed from the start.

I really want the next Xbox to be a polished and well built system but if they just slop it together like the 360 ....
Agreed the 360 and PS3 were mishandled but in diffrent ways MS just did not see the future and sony tried to hard to own it.

the PS3 is moving to a 64NM cell I believe they are making it a bit cheaper but removing the 60$ worth of BWC stuff is just LAME.

Its a shame MS could have done so much for itself if they put more quality into the 360.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 4:05

269.1.2008 08:23

Originally posted by td1ddy:
[removed by Neph]
you are a funny guy. what first innovations? is this not counting the ones they stole from any numerous amount of other smaller companies? good products? any time they do make something half way decent(xbox 360) they screw up one way or another(RROD). and yea i run windows but thankfully it is pirated :) sounds like someone is mad that hd dvd is almost dead!
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 10:03

279.1.2008 08:43

It should be consumer choice; and if that's the way they vote, that's something we'll have to consider,"
Ah, that makes it sound so nice.

289.1.2008 10:02


You just picked up a week suspension for the insults, foul language and bragging about being a pirate. There's a link to the forum rules in my sig and I suggest you read them well before you come back.

299.1.2008 10:40

This could also turn out to be a very wise move on MS's behalf. All those people sitting on the fence may well say to themselves ' I'll go with the 360 and HD-DVD add-on because if HD-DVD fails they'll release a BD drive. However, if i go PS3 and HD-DVD comes out on top i'm stuck with an out-dated format'

Just some food for thought ;)

309.1.2008 11:41

If you go to and click on the Documentaries on the right side of the screen, I added a live Blu-Ray presentation from the 2008 CES (Consumer Electronics Show). After watching, you will believe that Blu Ray has won.

319.1.2008 11:58

"I want consumers to have a voice in this and I think there are a lot of consumers who bought HD DVD who are going to have a say in how this shakes out."

Well, wouldn't it be interesting if Sony offers a "trade-in" program where consumers would recieve credit towards purchase on a Blu Ray player if they traded in their HD DVD players? Once HD DVD owners are fed up with their paperweights, consumers should be happy to get at least *something* in return while making the switch.

If Sony and other Blu Ray player manufacturers would offer this, I think the "war" would end rather quickly. I've still got both a Videodisc and Laserdisc player in the closet collecting dust. If such a program were offered then, I would have jumped on it in a heartbeat to move to the next format.

329.1.2008 12:02

FOR THE RECORD I OWN 360, PS3, AND WII. Ever since my coworker put me on to this site I've read it atleast three times a week for the last few months. This site has two big factions, M$ and Sony. People defend sony they're the future. People defend M$ they're the present and future. Blu-Ray is better the HD-DVD. You all have opinions and I think I've read one person who actually made sense to me and I can't recall who it was. Anyway, people are brand loyal but product stupid. Meaning, Sony is selling you people a flawed product again, which is the basic business model for all corporations. If the product works correctly the first time how are they going to make money. The money is always in the cure or in this case the fix. PS3 is the future of gaming but they don't have any qualtiy games. Not just my opinion but according to the VGA's and most gaming mags that I read, top games being purchased and played are for the 360. PS3 is selling you a gaming console off of the strength of a blu-ray player for movies. I don't buy gaming consoles to watch movies and I don't know a person who does. Yes its an added bonus but I prefer to kill or play a game on a gaming console. Next they're coming out with their PSH which is going to be free. All of you people that think this is a good idea, not! Think of it as in terms of hotmail, it was totally free until they got a share of the market and then all of a sudden they lowered your inbox size and started to charge you for more space. Currently XBL is touting 10mil people, PSH is free until they get about 1 or 2mil to sign up then it changes to a paid service. More than likely it'll be more than the $50/yr that XBL charges. Don't be fooled by this. 360 has always been advertised as a gaming console with some cool extras. More bang for your buck with the system and the live service. The games that are for 360 are better overall and publishers have been jumping ship to create games for the 360 solely for whatever reason i'm unaware of. I only have PS3 for Final Fantasy games but now that Square Enix decided to jump ship its pretty dusty. The crossover games are always better on 360 b/c of a added levels, weapons, maps, etc. The biggest scam all of you should know is that this format war is to divert your attention from what is really going on, Helping these mega-corporations finance their endeavours to perfect the digital downloading in the highest definitive quality. Once this is done neither format will be able to stand up to the convienency of the "click and push". If you people think that these aren't calculated moves on the part of these companies you need to a)take your GMAT and enroll in a business program and/or read Fortune 500 listings or Forbes and look to see how much Billy boy is worth. I'm sure the Sony president is high up there as well.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 12:34

339.1.2008 12:13


It is not nor will it ever be the agenda of a megacorp to lower prices. Their only agenda is to corner the market raise the price to highest possible point they can. Next is to let the smaller companies get into the market so they don't have to worry about a monopoly (illegal) and smaller companies tend to work harder and improve things. In return the major company buys or steals the improvements. BTW, every company steals from each other.

349.1.2008 12:18

Originally posted by elfman12:
That and about $1-billion in payoffs to Warner and Fox and they have the "winning" format! Yeah Sony!
It's like people completely forget about the Paramount/HD-DVD deal, and the fact that HD-DVD were also offering money to Warner.

To comment on the earlier posts, I also think that MS screwed up when they decided to use DVD9 and not one of the new HD medium out there, but from a consumer standpoint I am happy. I say this because if they would have gone with HD-DVD the format war would of lasted way longer than it did. I know it would of driven down the prices but by the time the war was said and done there would be a new format and counter format fighting it out to become the new standard.

I also think MS didn't go with HD-DVD because they wanted to get the jump on Sony and Nintendo by releasing their console way before their competitors, they didn't want to wait around for some format to be finalized and it not even being a lock for the format war. It was just too risky of a move to make.

359.1.2008 12:23

Originally posted by AntSpliff:
Meaning, Sony is selling you people a flawed product again, which is the basic business model for all corporations. PS3 is the future of gaming but they don't have any qualtiy games. Not just my opinion but according to the VGA's and most gaming mags that I read
Something i always wonder, is why are the people who write the mags such experts? they probably read the same things as we do. What makes some guy who writes for a magazine more knowledgeable about games etc than me?

369.1.2008 12:31


I wonder who writes the mags as well and what their agenda is and who is paying them? It doesn't make them more knowledgeable as much as it makes them more credible. If I reach I can say they are more knowledgeable b/c of the simple fact that they have more access to things than the average person such as myself.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 1:51

379.1.2008 13:05

Originally posted by AntSpliff:
FOR THE RECORD I OWN 360, PS3, AND WII. Ever since my coworker put me on to this site I've read it atleast three times a week for the last few months. This site has two big factions, M$ and Sony. People defend sony they're the future. People defend M$ they're the present and future. Blu-Ray is better the HD-DVD. You all have opinions and I think I've read one person who actually made sense to me and I can't recall who it was. Anyway, people are brand loyal but product stupid. Meaning, Sony is selling you people a flawed product again, which is the basic business model for all corporations. If the product works correctly the first time how are they going to make money. The money is always in the cure or in this case the fix. PS3 is the future of gaming but they don't have any qualtiy games. Not just my opinion but according to the VGA's and most gaming mags that I read, top games being purchased and played are for the 360. PS3 is selling you a gaming console off of the strength of a blu-ray player for movies. I don't buy gaming consoles to watch movies and I don't know a person who does. Yes its an added bonus but I prefer to kill or play a game on a gaming console. Next they're coming out with their PSH which is going to be free. All of you people that think this is a good idea, not! Think of it as in terms of hotmail, it was totally free until they got a share of the market and then all of a sudden they lowered your inbox size and started to charge you for more space. Currently XBL is touting 10mil people, PSH is free until they get about 1 or 2mil to sign up then it changes to a paid service. More than likely it'll be more than the $50/yr that XBL charges. Don't be fooled by this. 360 has always been advertised as a gaming console with some cool extras. More bang for your buck with the system and the live service. The games that are for 360 are better overall and publishers have been jumping ship to create games for the 360 solely for whatever reason i'm unaware of. I only have PS3 for Final Fantasy games but now that Square Enix decided to jump ship its pretty dusty. The crossover games are always better on 360 b/c of a added levels, weapons, maps, etc. The biggest scam all of you should know is that this format war is to divert your attention from what is really going on, Helping these mega-corporations finance their endeavours to perfect the digital downloading in the highest definitive quality. Once this is done neither format will be able to stand up to the convienency of the "click and push". If you people think that these aren't calculated moves on the part of these companies you need to a)take your GMAT and enroll in a business program and/or read Fortune 500 listings or Forbes and look to see how much Billy boy is worth. I'm sure the Sony president is high up there as well.
woah, i never seen a more idiotic post in my life. i always love it when a microsoft viral marketer at the start tries to present himself as unbiased for owning all consoles and then goes on to bash the competitor. first of all sony isnt the one selling the flawed product, that would be your boss company MS, and your scenario in which they make money off a flawed product failed in this case, cus RROD cost them over a billion.

ps3 doesnt have quality games? i just checked gamerankings average and drakes uncharted has a 90% average, ratchet is up there too, UT3, etc. all games that are universally praised and are selling decent considering sony's unstable footing in america, which brings me to some other points. sure 360 is most played in america, it did have an extra year with no competition, but how is it doing outside of america? ps3 is outselling it in japan of course but now even europe according to latest reports! and we all know ps3 doesnt have the catalogue, price, or good press that the 360 has been getting the past few months.

hotmail which is run by, guess who? yea you guessed it MS, same company that charges you for online gaming which nobody else pays for and yet they cant give you dedicated servers, how nice of them. home is supposed to make revenue from digital downloads buddy, want that god of war couch? 50 cents or a dollar, get the picture? see MS not only charges you to get on the service but also get you for themes and every other little thing and still put advertisements in your face, how much is their larger HDD again, and you have no other options... also that 10 million counts banned users, and silver users, we all know MS loves to play with numbers, like when they hit 10 million 360s sold but really didnt, or the recent 17 million sold, but again, really didnt.

sony is doing a lot better it seems now than the crap hole they were in not even a year ago, they have made a lot of deals with companies like NCsoft, epic, etc, etc. talking about jumping ship you mean like how bungie(makers of halo 1-3)bioware(makers of knights of the old republic and mass effect and jade empire) and bizarre(makers of project gotham racing 1-4) all recently jumped off the microsoft development ship? and square enix jumping the sony ship wtf? they just recently reconfirmed FF13 and versus as exclusives, and are bringing more games including star ocean 4 which was shown in the psp remakes. maybe you were talking about that crap space ship game they published for 360, what was it called again?

crossover games always better on 360? you mean like burnout which is one button push to get online and play on ps3 and a series of buttons for 360, not to mention its superior on ps3, as well as oblivion, FNR3, DMC4, assassins creed, COD4, mercenaries 2, etc? we all know developers have had more time with 360 so they are more experienced with it but its not a rule of law that games are always better on it, especially not lately.

also digital downloads are a ways off, especially in america. we have really slow internet speeds compared to japan and now even australia is poised to pass us by, of all places!!! and guess what? ISPs are going to make our internets even slower as well as charging us more! they are using this excuse of running out of IP numbers as a reason to raise prices, etc! closest we will have now is the cable streaming like comcast, but even that is flawed and unreliable sometimes, doesnt have a lot of content, etc.

i cant believe i wasted all that time on you typing this but i was bored.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 1:09

389.1.2008 13:25

It's clear that you don't have an understanding of the business model in American history by your first two paragraphs. It's also clear that you don't know me and shouldn't assume that I'm some viral ms whatever. Also people like you send out misinformation and people believe it because they don't know any better. For example, Square Enix is finishing up their previous contract with Sony not extending it. It's hard for me to continue because you have knowledge of the gaming world but not the business world. (atleast that what your post leads me to believe.) Also you start your post with negativity, you already lost this. Don't think for a minute that because I didn't address your whole posts that I don't know what I'm talking about by figure why bother? Your posts tells me everything I need to know about you. Also do more research and see how far they are from perfecting digital downloading her in USA, by the end of the fourth fiscal qtr. its scheduled to make a strong appearance. As a gamer, I by all the products and make an informed decision and the facts right now is that 360 and XBL is king in America. BTW, did I read Ratchet and Clank in your posts? That's in demand, I'm sure my 7 yo cousin would love it, thanks for the recommendation.

399.1.2008 13:42


I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I want to sell you. I don't know your age or life experiences but please don't be so foolish as to believe that you'll get an optimum product for nothing. You're a funny guy. Also Cali, I don't live in all of these other countries where Sony is doing well. Those "other" numbers mean nothing in America. Don't let the overseas numbers fool you. Equate it to recording artists that can't sell enough records to go wood in the US but overseas they are triple platinum artists. If you stay focused you'll be able to keep up. Funny guy, please write more.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 1:50

409.1.2008 14:30

Calimack, Facts and Logic will not be tolerated by fanBOYs. Please refrain from using any facts or logic from this point on. BTW, I'm 37 and love Ratchet and Clank.

419.1.2008 15:16

Originally posted by glasssd:
Calimack, Facts and Logic will not be tolerated by fanBOYs. Please refrain from using any facts or logic from this point on. BTW, I'm 37 and love Ratchet and Clank.

Just like I told him I'm not a fanboy, unless you own all three systems I don't believe you can make a fair comparison. His "facts" about the game publishers are fictitious which makes his logic flawed. Please don't fight, debate, or argue with me about ms or ps3, I have both and ps3 games are trash. The same with psp, although it was good for watching my movies on trips. Nintendo DS has much better games. Sony puts out a thousand games and three are good. My first post said, "Brand loyalty but produt stupid." Gamers are especially susceptible to this. The posts on this website proves that, whether its pro ms or sony. Ninja Gaiden for the PS3 was fun so not all is lost. Glass, you should be ashamed of yourself, 37 and you believe that you get something for nothing.

429.1.2008 15:50

@ AntSpliff

I have taken the GMAT and am enrolled in an MBA program.

Sony's business model resembles nothing remotely like what you're portraying it to be.

You come off as someone bitter at the PS3 product rather than someone who actually knows what they're talking about. If you had studied business even on an undergraduate level, you wouldn't be so inaccurate in your description of their business model.

You're well within your right to dislike Sony's products (and you may be correct about the PS3 and their games), but otherwise you're way off base.

439.1.2008 16:37

I own the 360 and PS3. I got my PS3 last December. January, I did not renew my online subscription. After that I put my 360 in the closet. I'm not dogging the 360. I never had a problem with it other than two scratched disk which GameStop took care of. I doubt you have a PS3 as you call the games trash. Sony has more studio support than MS. The companies above did leave MS. Bungie owes MS one more game. Halo will never be on PS3. It is just obvious to me and anyone open minded that PS3 has more to offer. If MS did not have the Core system, the 360 would have almost equal potential except for the DVD9 - BD comparison for game size. I am getting online for free. I used to pay $50 a year. How is that not something for nothing. BTW, I am not going to argue with you about it. We both have our opinions and don't care if each other shares our own.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 4:41

449.1.2008 16:52

Originally posted by pirkster:
@ AntSpliff

I have taken the GMAT and am enrolled in an MBA program.

Sony's business model resembles nothing remotely like what you're portraying it to be.

You come off as someone bitter at the PS3 product rather than someone who actually knows what they're talking about. If you had studied business even on an undergraduate level, you wouldn't be so inaccurate in your description of their business model.

You're well within your right to dislike Sony's products (and you may be correct about the PS3 and their games), but otherwise you're way off base.
Again, I don't dislike Sony, look at my posts nowhere does it say that. Nothing I said about the business model is inaccurate. The early years in US businesses companies sold their widgets at a high price to only a few consumers. Once they would break even then they begin to lower the price so the masses can receive it. This model pretty much lasted up until the Jimmy Carter and the Reagan years. Then it changed, everything was made cheaply so the masses can get it right away at a cheap price but then that diluted the quality of the widget. The microchip and the internet age comes into play and the business model took changed again. Everything was sold at a higher price but still made cheaply or poor quality service. This lasted until the mid 90's when the dotcom companies started to fold. The next change came which is sell cheap, get your product out there let it sell, gain momentum, and raise the price. Sony is doing this or they will be doing this. If you want to dispute this please do. I will email you personally, my thesis, which is excellent if i don't say so, and I'll also recommend some books for you to read to back my points thoroughly. Of course you can find books to counter my statement and your thesis might possibly do that as well it won't take away from the point that I made. Don't know what university or college you went to but I went to Temple and NYU, may not be UPENN's Wharton but damn I'm impressed by it.

459.1.2008 17:03

Originally posted by glasssd:
I own the 360 and PS3. I got my PS3 last December. January, I did not renew my online subscription. After that I put my 360 in the closet. I'm not dogging the 360. I never had a problem with it other than two scratched disk which GameStop took care of. I doubt you have a PS3 as you call the games trash. Sony has more studio support than MS. The companies above did leave MS. Bungie owes MS one more game. Halo will never be on PS3. It is just obvious to me and anyone open minded that PS3 has more to offer. If MS did not have the Core system, the 360 would have almost equal potential except for the DVD9 - BD comparison for game size. I am getting online for free. I used to pay $50 a year. How is that not something for nothing. BTW, I am not going to argue with you about it. We both have our opinions and don't care if each other shares our own.
It is trash and I say that b/c I want to play games on my system not watch the best movies on it. Their game catalogue sucks in comparison to 360. Do you really think you can have an equal online experience for free? You can't, if that's the case then it will be so laggy b/c of all the non dedicated servers that will be on the PSH (if that's what they're calling it.) Ninja Gaiden, Ratchet and Clank, and the male Tomb Raider that just came out will hold down the system. I'm so not a Sony hater, I own a Vaio, a PSP, PS2, had a PS, and PS3. The Vaio is by far my favorite product. The PSP is just something to watch movies on. Hasn't been played by me since MechAssault came out on Xbox and the PS3 hasn't been touched since I couldn't finish that hard ass Ninja Gaiden.

469.1.2008 21:05

After one year being on the market. Who do you think had more games, 360 or PS3. It's easy to look up. You dont know that the Play Station Network is PSN and not PSH. I guess if you have a PS3, you would be able to ansewer 5 questions about it? Let me know what games you have for it and which PS3 you have and I'll ask you a few.

No dedicated servers? Laging online play? Your making it kinda obvious. MotorStorm and RB6 are the only games that I have that are Host Servers only. No problems with them either.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 9:53

479.1.2008 22:03

AntSpliff has BS Written all over his head, and ohhh yeah, if u havent read, MICROSOFT HAS SQUASHED THE RUMOR TODAY.

I hate Microsoft

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 10:05

489.1.2008 22:43

Originally posted by AntSpliff:
Anyway, people are brand loyal but product stupid. Meaning, Sony is selling you people a flawed product again, which is the basic business model for all corporations. If the product works correctly the first time how are they going to make money.
that is probably one of the worst theories I've heard in a LONG eTIME! "flawed" by definition is to make or become DEFECTIVE. honestly with all biased aside, the playstation 3 is far from being considered "defective" or as you term "flawed." its even further from said word when you make the comparison with the xbox 360 which has continually, and still continues to suffer from problems resulting in what i believe or as you say a "FLAWED" design. their failure rate and the extension of the original warranty are proof. you don't extend a warranty for a product that is known to be in good performance, standards or condition. there simply is no LOGICAL explanation. as far as making money thus putting out subpar products is outrageously stupid. there is such a thing as product evolution. if you were to put out inferior products time and time again, you would never be able to build your "BRAND" which is ever so important nowadays.

As far as your ONLINE comments are concerned, you really lead me to believe that you don't play any online games for the ps3. Warhawk's stability and performance pretty much disprove your argument about the potential lag or poor gameplay issues. i also happen to own a 360 along with ONE game (NHL 08). now as much as you tout LIVE, it does absolutely NOTHING for ME or any NHL 08 gamer. Too many times i have suffered from freeze ups, lag, glitch in gameplay, loss connections and the list goes on. now you might argue or someone else may point out, "hey its not LIVE or microsofts fault, its EA," and i'd would actually AGREE. they do suck for the most part, but as much as you praise LIVE it does little to NOTHING for some games. The ONE thing i do like is the INGAME Dashboard ability, but that too is said to come to the ps3. yes we'll have ingame XMB support sometime in 2008.

Home i don't believe is going to cause as many problems as you initially think. its more of a social common place i believe, thus i don't think lag issues will plague gamers while playing say, Warhawk. i'tll be free so stop stirring up the supporters ;)

Originally posted by AntSpliff:
unless you own all three systems I don't believe you can make a fair comparison

thats quite the demand there and i don't agree. thats like saying in order to be a college football analysis, one would have to have played college ball before they can make comments or criticisms. often not the case.

Originally posted by antSpliff:
Don't be fooled by this. 360 has always been advertised as a gaming console with some cool extras. More bang for your buck with the system and the live service.
how in the hell are you getting "more for your buck" when you have TO PAY FOR LIVE! your not getting more, if anything YOUR GETTING WHAT YOU PAID FOR! especially when YOU, YOURSELF consider ps3's online structure which you find inferior, yet its still free. so wouldn't it make sense that with a $50 price tag your getting MORE?

Originally posted by antSliff:
BTW, did I read Ratchet and Clank in your posts? That's in demand, I'm sure my 7 yo cousin would love it, thanks for the recommendation.

that comment is uncalld for.
Gaming for the most part brings out the kid in a lot of people (like myself). i didn't know that just because a game is rated "E," cartoonish, or WhatEver means its meant soley for the youngsters. Have you ever played the game or series? Then i probably wouldn't make such comments...Naturally though i could throw in your face your comment on how you feel "Nintendo DS has much better games," so what now your telling me your a grown individual (college degree or student) and your still playing with a DS? are you kidding? and you have the audacity to insult others? come on now, play nice ;)

Originally posted by antSpliff:
The next change came which is sell cheap, get your product out there let it sell, gain momentum, and raise the price. Sony is doing this or they will be doing this.
i stand corrected! that is absolutely absurd and now is the worst theory i've heard. please do yourself a favor and reread some of your ECON books or atleast study the law of supply and demand, demand and price. how are they related? you said SONY IS DOING THIS or WILL BE DOING THIS? which is it? whens the last time you saw the PS2's price INCREASE? How bout the PS3? How about ANY OTHER SONY PRODUCT OUT THERE? the only time Companies can INCREASE PRICE, is when DEMAND is through the ROOF. Nintendo could have SURELY INCREASED ITS PRICE OF THE Wii, and STILL WOULD HAVE SIGNIFICANT DEMAND LEVELS, but did they? say if demand for ps3s SKYROCKET thus leading way to HUGE increase in Demand for HOME, then at some point SONY may or may not charge a minimum fee to help subsidize the costs. However with such high levels of demand, the fees paid by users would be minimal. trust me you wont have a paid online service like microsoft to play games on the PLAYSTATION 3. HOME is not a GAME, even if it costs money it still wouldn't limit online GAMEPLAY for the other games. stop saying it will.

edit: sorry but i'll think twice before i ever send my kids to TEMPLE or NYU after reading that garbage. i may have been harsh but i don't really know what else you were expecting with some of your comments.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Jan 2008 @ 11:19

499.1.2008 23:52

AntSpliff, you expose your lack of knowledge on the subject with each successive post.

You first and perhaps most glaring mistake is that you seem not to even realize that Sony is a Japanese company, not an American one.

Although they are a Japanese company, their marketing strategy is a global one, where they position their products in the quality end of the spectrum using a skimming pricing method. Meaning, they set a relatively high price when they first introduce a product to gain a greater margin on earlier adopters, then lower that price over time ("skimming the cream" of the market.)

That's the accurate and true description of Sony's methodology. You're really in over your head in this discussion. Judging from your posts, I would wager you've never even sniffed an economics or marketing course (or paid little attention if you did.) Please do yourself a favor and read "The World is Flat" by Friedman and "The Choice" by Roberts. Otherwise you would already know that Sony does not operate in a monopoly, that even monopolies can't charge as much as they wish, and that competition and free trade creates cheaper products of higher quality. And no, Ricardo is not a character from I Love Lucy, but you should already be familiar with his work if you're as educated as you claim to be.

5010.1.2008 00:10

This is what Microsoft is saying now all this is because they want to see how far blu-ray is going to take. They put this in as a band aid solution atm so they can see how far as i said the whole thing goes and then if blu-ray wins then they will build another console that has a blu-ray drive and then hey resell the new console for a few hundred $$$ :)

5110.1.2008 00:59

HD-DVD is cheaper BR is better. And M$ will 'NEVER' put a BR on the 360

5210.1.2008 04:32

Originally posted by JarrodNz:
HD-DVD is cheaper BR is better. And M$ will 'NEVER' put a BR on the 360
whats BR?

5311.1.2008 16:17

Don't Sony own blu-ray? if so i cant see them letting m$ put it on their xbox, and even if they did xbox would not be able to play games on blu-ray discs only to watch movies, and a blu-ray player is around £300-400 so why not get a ps3 witch plays games and has blu-ray built in for £300, gotta hand it to sony they took a gamble with blu-ray and it paid off!

5411.1.2008 16:44

^^Panasonic and Sony. Joint Venture. Almost everyone seams to only bring up Sony. They might be uninformed or just cant spell Panasonic.
Sony is putting out a $200 PC Drive. The 360 add on is about the same thing. I think it is doable.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jan 2008 @ 4:46

5511.1.2008 17:39

Originally posted by ryanjafc:
Don't Sony own blu-ray? if so i cant see them letting m$ put it on their xbox, and even if they did xbox would not be able to play games on blu-ray discs only to watch movies, and a blu-ray player is around £300-400 so why not get a ps3 witch plays games and has blu-ray built in for £300, gotta hand it to sony they took a gamble with blu-ray and it paid off!
Own no, part of the group that owns it yes.

MS could care less about HDVD, but sony needs BR to survive.

5611.1.2008 20:34

Own no, part of the group that owns it yes.

MS could care less about HDVD, but sony needs BR to survive.
well if ms want to get it as an add-on so do they need it to survive coz hd dvd was always going to fail against br as br holds more.

5711.1.2008 20:40

Own no, part of the group that owns it yes.

MS could care less about HDVD, but sony needs BR to survive.
well if ms want to get it as an add-on so do they need it to survive coz hd dvd was always going to fail against br as br holds more.
Not with 2 lil facts BR can't get pasted 3 layer issues so they can not make discs bigger than 50GB and HDVD has a 51GB 3 layer disc thus size is no longer a issue.

5811.1.2008 23:35

Own no, part of the group that owns it yes.

MS could care less about HDVD, but sony needs BR to survive.
well if ms want to get it as an add-on so do they need it to survive coz hd dvd was always going to fail against br as br holds more.
Not with 2 lil facts BR can't get pasted 3 layer issues so they can not make discs bigger than 50GB and HDVD has a 51GB 3 layer disc thus size is no longer a issue.
Not at the moment, no. But obviously in the future they will. If it's necessary of course.

597.4.2008 18:04

i think they should with all the competition with ps3 and xbox 360.

607.4.2008 18:05

i think they should with all the competition with ps3 and xbox 360.

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