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Fox to include iPod compatible digital copies with DVD releases?

Written by Matti Robinson @ 09 Jan 2008 4:24 User comments (3)

Fox to include iPod compatible digital copies with DVD releases? Rumors that Apple and some movie studios were working on movie rentals that would include digital copies compatible with iPods is seeming to come true, at least on some scale.
According to The Unofficial Apple Weblog ( a reader has received a copy of the upcoming Family Guy Blue Harvest DVD including a "Fox Digital copy" ahead of schedule. The DVD is set to release January 15th, the same day MacWorld Expo fires up, coincidence?

Inserting the DVD into the computer would bring up a window with a text, "This Fox Digital copy file requires iTunes version 7.6 or newer," the newest version being 7.5 as this is written. The copy came also with a serial number which seems to be required to access the digital copy.

Act surprised if next week Apple announces upgrade for iTunes and iPod/iPhone compatible digital copies for upcoming movies and TV shows.

Source: Hardware Section

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3 user comments

19.1.2008 15:31

Cool. But are they permenent video files or rentals? IE if I buy the movie do I get a copy of the video for my iPod or a temporary copy for my iPod?

29.1.2008 16:55

I'm sure you can play them forever. Other studios have made similar copies available with a few movies, although I believe they've used Windows Plays4Sure DRM, which isn't supported by the iPod (or Microsoft's Zune for that matter).

310.1.2008 19:07

Wow I'll be surprised for them all. I however do like the way this is going but yes DRM is the question here i do not like to see that on these digital downloads,

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