AfterDawn: Tech news

What will Apple show at Macworld?

Written by James Delahunty @ 12 Jan 2008 8:19 User comments (9)

What will Apple show at Macworld? The only thing that is known for sure about this year's upcoming Macworld Expo is that it most likely won't be nearly as interesting at last year's. Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs caused quite a stir in the mobile phone market by unveiling the iPhone, a touch-screen phone that could play music, video and could be used to browse the net among other great features. Like or dislike the iPhone, it has been a success and it put the Macworld Expo of 2007 in the books.
So what is expected from Apple this year? This is one of the most secretive companies in the business, so it generates quite a lot of rumors and speculation in the weeks before events or expected announcements. We previously reported that Apple may be offering Macs with Blu-ray drives, with the Mac Pro workstation rumored to be the first with Blu-ray.

The company is likely to announce movie rentals for the iTunes download store at Macworld. The expected cost will be $3.99 for 24 hours, a common offer in competing services. Apple has reportedly secured deals with 20th Century Fox and Disney studios, and may be close to signing deals with Warner Bros. and Paramount.

AT&T already announced that a 3G iPhone -- which would provide faster data connections for the device than the currently available models -- is set for 2008. Apple just might have something to say, but unlikely something to show, to backup AT&T's claims. Apple is also rumored to show off a "MacBook Mini", an ultra-portable notebook that weighs between 2 and 4 pounds.

Maybe all of the above will be present, maybe none. Maybe Apple will show off something new, like an iPhone Nano, or completely surprise everyone. It wouldn't be the first time.

Yahoo (AP) Hardware Section - Apple Products

Cinema HD Display 30

MacBook Pro MA897

iPhone (8GB)

iPod Classic 160GB

iPod touch 16GB
Apple Gear: Flat-panel Monitors - Laptops - Mobile Phones - MP3 Players - All

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9 user comments

113.1.2008 00:51

I wouldn't mind a macbook... As long as it's no more than $800 because if it's smaller then what they already have then it couldn't possibly be that much more better, unless they're adding value to it because it's small...

I could use the MacBook for everyday stuff and I could use my iMac for my downloading and projects and whatever... Or I could be like the douche in my science class ho brings a school-funded laptop everywhere because his writing is "illegible".

213.1.2008 15:35

They gave him a laptop because his handwriting was bad? lol maybe they should have sent him back to the 1st grade instead. Did they give him a cheaper laptop or did they spend the schools money to give him the macbook he so deperately needed?

313.1.2008 23:46

WOW. VInny what a dikeish thing to say did it ever acur to you he may be dislecsic. or perhaps there is some other mental disability holding this kid back. ill just forget you ever said that vinny.

im quite sure it ether a p3 labtop or a G2 G3 Imac portable schools wont buy new macs they have cut there contracts to mac after the swicth to Intel processors macs are just too hard to keeep track of on the campus that and they lost all of there security benefits when they switched to intel.

as per the forum i dont beleive there is going to be another apple fanboy droolfest for a while. sorry fanboy mabey 09

414.1.2008 02:37

the sure things that Steve is going to reveal are
1)thin Mac book laptops - touchscreen
2)iPhone Nano

after the macworld you can come to this comment to match this for sure.


This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 Jan 2008 @ 2:40

514.1.2008 04:38

il go with the blu ray drive mac...

614.1.2008 17:30

Originally posted by DXR88:
WOW. VInny what a dikeish thing to say did it ever acur to you he may be dislecsic. or perhaps there is some other mental disability holding this kid back. ill just forget you ever said that vinny.

im quite sure it ether a p3 labtop or a G2 G3 Imac portable schools wont buy new macs they have cut there contracts to mac after the swicth to Intel processors macs are just too hard to keeep track of on the campus that and they lost all of there security benefits when they switched to intel.

as per the forum i dont beleive there is going to be another apple fanboy droolfest for a while. sorry fanboy mabey 09
Your a Dike. There is no way that he is disabled as he is in my academic science class and is one of the smartest kids(although I'm the second, and this other guy is first, but he is like diehard :P). The kid was home-schooled up until grade 7 for some reason(something like his mom wanted to o something) and he acts like a fruit. He got into a fight with a girl because she accidently pushed him and so he grabbed her and shoved her into a locker(on the outside, not like inside of one):S

I know what I'm talking about, otherwise I'd keep my mouth shut. Don't call me a dike.

714.1.2008 17:31

Originally posted by adamryer:
They gave him a laptop because his handwriting was bad? lol maybe they should have sent him back to the 1st grade instead. Did they give him a cheaper laptop or did they spend the schools money to give him the macbook he so deperately needed?
Lol they gave him one of those Toshibas with the fingerprint scanner on it.

815.1.2008 12:18

Sorry Vinny But yeah....

Anyhow I dont think that people will be impressed by an item they have made already. sure improved designs are great but really whats there to improve upon. perhaps technical Marvel will slow down a bit give the people a couple of years to catch on to whats been a technology inclined person myself the rate to witch learn this new technology Standerds is a bit insane.

926.1.2008 06:02

Let the speculation and rumors begin :)

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