AfterDawn: Tech news

DVR manufacturer adjusts focus back to core market

Written by Rich Fiscus @ 15 Jan 2008 9:59 User comments (1)

DVR manufacturer adjusts focus back to core market According to a Erica Ogg of CNet, Digeo, the DVR manufacturer owned in part by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, announced a change in direction today. The company is scaling back plans announced last year to introduce an entire range of DVR and home automation products. Instead the company is cancelling what was would have been their flagship product lines, the Moxi Home Cinema Edition DMR and Multi Room DMR and laying off nearly half their workforce. Among those looking for a new job will be CEO Mike Fidler.
Fidler's successor, former COO Greg Gudorf, said "As we assessed our situation, it became clear that the best action for Digeo was to focus our work on the next-generation product for the retail market," adding "Building the software and hardware for this category is a complex endeavor, with dynamic technical standards, regulatory issues, and content considerations. Previously, we were spreading our energies across too many platforms."

Although the company is still interested in making a splash in the retail world, rather than sticking to offering DVRs to Cable Television providers, the plans are a little less grandiose. For a company that's not already a household name this seems like a more realistic plan. According to Gudorf the company still plans to both continue existing relationships with cable companies and expand into mainstream retail sales.

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1 user comment

115.2.2008 04:37

Its always good to build on your market that you have already established :)

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