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Fennec mobile broswer beta released

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Mar 2009 4:45 User comments (2)

Fennec mobile broswer beta released

The first official beta for Mozilla's mobile Firefox browser, Fenec, is now available and although it will only work on the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet, anybody can download and run the beta on their computers.
The team behind Fennec says the browser should minimize typing while maximizing use of the limited screen space of a mobile phone.

Just like its brother, Fennec will use the "awesome bar" which auto-suggests web sites when you begin typing in a URL, using your past history as a basis. The browser will also remember your passwords, and supports full Flash.

Developer Pavlov says "the user interface takes some zooming and panning concepts which were previously previewed by Mozilla Labs. Each Web page expands to fill the entire screen, but moving the page to the side reveals different controls, including bookmarks, back and forward buttons, tabs, and different tools."

Fennec Beta 1 walkthrough from Madhava Enros on Vimeo.

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2 user comments

120.3.2009 00:20

Looks promising so far. I'd like to see it out for the G1. One can only hope.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 20 Mar 2009 @ 12:21

220.3.2009 19:46

Although it would be nice, I don't think this will be seen on an unjail broken iphone since apple wouldn't allow competition with any apps that they currently have in place as far as default apps go.

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