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New PS3 bundle offers A-list games

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 07 Jul 2009 2:32 User comments (19)

New PS3 bundle offers A-list games According to leaked photos of a new bundle being prepared for sale at Best Buy, Sony appears to be wanting to clear out current 80GB PS3 inventory, perhaps in anticipation of the launch of the oft-rumored PS3 Slim.
The new bundle will include the A-list PS3-exclusive games Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 and the 80GB system will cost $399, just like the console without the bundled games. The deal is pretty good as Killzone retails still for $50-60 USD and still brings in $30-40 USD used on auction sites such as eBay.

Employees of the retail chain say the bundle will become available this Sunday.

It is widely expected that Sony will drop the price of the console by $100 USD in August while at the same time releasing the 120GB 'PS3 Slim' to replace the phased out 80GB model.

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19 user comments

17.7.2009 02:52

spammer removed

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 07 Jul 2009 @ 7:07

27.7.2009 03:12

Originally posted by yulu:
spammer removed

What article did you read?
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 07 Jul 2009 @ 7:07

37.7.2009 03:14

Doesnt matter, spammer is gone now ;)

47.7.2009 08:17

I'm gonna go ahead and say this will not be available here in the U.K.!.

Since we never get anything worth for our hard earned money !
Be grateful you Americans.

And my ps3 is broke right now (Blinking Re LIghts Problem)so really hoping this "PSThree Slim" IS real! ~prays~
Should be good, but from the leaked photos i've seen so far, its not exactly the easiest thing on the eye, but that may be just a model.
Fingers crossed ey =]

57.7.2009 10:08


That's like the greatest bundle ever lol

I payed like ~$45 for MGS4 and ~$65 for Killzone (but they actually worth monies). It even has the dual shock controller in which I still don't have :P

67.7.2009 10:09

Holy crap that's a great deal. $400 gets you a PS3 and practically, 2 free games. Just alone, the PS3 is $400.

77.7.2009 16:13

Great deal. I'm just surprised that they would bundle 2 "Mature" rated games. Generally translates in isolation of a customer base. Although it may end up being small, it's still a number. Without knowing all of the facts, up front, it doesn't seem like the best marketing strategy.

87.7.2009 16:23

Originally posted by emugamer:
Great deal. I'm just surprised that they would bundle 2 "Mature" rated games. Generally translates in isolation of a customer base. Although it may end up being small, it's still a number. Without knowing all of the facts, up front, it doesn't seem like the best marketing strategy.
It could be looked at two ways I suppose.

1.) They understand that parents these days don't give a rats ass about the game ratings and employee's never enforce them anyway.

2.) They're targeting 18+ gamers because they know that there is a significantly smaller demographic of kids on the ps3 compared to the other consoles anyway.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 07 Jul 2009 @ 4:59

97.7.2009 19:36

Looks like this deal comes with two of the games you'd be buying a PS3 for to begin with. I'm sure this will get some of the xbox360 crowd that kind of wanted to play these games, but didn't want to spend $400 on the system and $120 on two games. $400 vs $520 is a nice little price savings.

107.7.2009 20:15

Needs a cooler cover :P

Anyways, this is a pretty good decision Sony is making here. A nice way (that I am SURE will attract many people) to clear out their old inventory, in order for the new to come in.. so this leaves some with the question. Would they rather have the big PS3 with two games for 400 bucks, or a small PS3 with no games for 300 bucks.

118.7.2009 11:30

Believe it or not but I don't think the rest of the world really knows about the ps3 slim. So they'll ignorantly buy the 80gb thinking "aww, kick ass deal with two kick ass games." But then months later be like, "aww shit, I bought this buss and now I gotta get me the new convertible ps3." Because not everyone is in the sony ps loop.

128.7.2009 13:22

Believe it or not but I don't think the rest of the world really knows about the ps3 slim. So they'll ignorantly buy the 80gb thinking "aww, kick ass deal with two kick ass games." But then months later be like, "aww shit, I bought this buss and now I gotta get me the new convertible ps3." Because not everyone is in the sony ps loop.
I was thinking the same thing.

139.7.2009 01:54

I bet the slim won't come with these crazy games... People buying the slim will feel like they're buying an all show no go car while the 80GB bundle is a true sleeper :P

Who cares about what the console looks like, it's all about the price and the games. If the slim is $300 this bundle is still a better deal if you like these games cause they are actual worthwhile games.

149.7.2009 16:54

Looks like they are also releasing (for $400 as well) a bundle for minors with Little Big Planet and Wall-e..

159.7.2009 23:22

That's a pretty good bundle too :)

169.7.2009 23:23

Well this seem like a good way to move those consoles before they release the slim PS3.

1710.7.2009 11:28

This is the best buy on the market.

1811.7.2009 05:20

SPAM removed

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jul 2009 @ 6:04

1912.7.2009 20:03

I'm gonna go ahead and say this will not be available here in the U.K.!.

Since we never get anything worth for our hard earned money !
Be grateful you Americans.
i agree with u on this one. in the pal reigons they think we dont give a s**t as they give us less but for higher prices. like in the 60gb model when the ntsc ps3s had full backwards compat. the day they bring this feature back is the day i will seriously consider buying one. remember the most played console in the world is still the ps2.

Holy crap that's a great deal. $400 gets you a PS3 and practically, 2 free games. Just alone, the PS3 is $400.
yeah but the ps3 60gb is well better than the 80gb. id rather buy a 2nd hand off of ebay. i found one from a trusted associate with 10 games play tv, 4 controllers and the rest of the works for bout $500-$600 (i work in £. £360 to be exact).

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