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China tightens rules on sales of foreign music

Written by James Delahunty @ 05 Sep 2009 11:37 User comments (10)

China tightens rules on sales of foreign music

China has implemented more rules and restrictions for online music stores in the country. The changes apply to foreign-sourced tracks. The Chinese government will have to approve each song that originates from outside the country before any of the online music stores sell them. This affects all the big Internet companies with presence in China, including Google, Alibaba (Yahoo) and Baidu.
The Ministry of Culture said that the changes would help to weed out bad content and increase regulation on the market. Providers of music services in the country will have to provide the Ministry of Culture with lyrics of all foreign songs, translated to Chinese.

In addition, they will also have to provide evidence that they have the permission of the rights' holders to sell and distribute the songs in the country. This new change will upset the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) and other music trade bodies, particularly since the World Trade Organization recently sided with the United States in a complaint made in 2007 against China over the its system for the import of American media products including music, movies, magazines, books and other products.

The WTO ruling has ordered the Chinese government to ease up on the limitations on foreign films, music and print, but it did not make any ruling on Chinese censorship.

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10 user comments

16.9.2009 04:46

talentless RIAA pop should be banned globally as should all terrible "only to generate $" movies like transformers 2.

26.9.2009 09:54

Forgive me if I am wrong, but isn't one of the goals of making a movie to make money. Or are you only interested in Independent films made a shoe string budget that bankrupt the creators.

36.9.2009 10:46

Originally posted by pphoenix:
talentless RIAA pop should be banned globally as should all terrible "only to generate $" movies like transformers 2.
I can't tell if your serious or not. If you ARE serious then please tell us who would be in charge of determining what is considered "talentless".

46.9.2009 12:06

This is just mad soon China wont have any media apart from what is created inside the country!!

On a side not who are you too say what is talentless? and only to generate $ films? I dont care how much they make on any of them if I like it ill pay for it/to see it, I know almost everyone on this site hated Transformers 2 but I liked it alot so there :P.

56.9.2009 15:56

Originally posted by Jake_C:
On a side not who are you too say what is talentless? and only to generate $ films? I dont care how much they make on any of them if I like it ill pay for it/to see it, I know almost everyone on this site hated Transformers 2 but I liked it alot so there :P.
Who are you to say almost everyone on AD hated anything. Theres a lot of tongue and cheek going on with you.
I think the first poster was meaning 'generally' alot of todays music is prefabricated nonsense and alot of the movies are absolutely terrible showing the best bits in the preview.
Standards have been slipping for a lot of years and yes todays idea from the cartels is to make as much money as possible. Have you been living in DISTRICT 9:P

But hey the chinks have been here before, they rule the electronics market. So what are the yanks gonna do? Not import anything from china. Ha ha ha ha ha I don't think so. On yourself china tell them you don't want any of their nonsense, tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Sep 2009 @ 4:00

66.9.2009 23:13

china is a nice country but their government are a bunch of prissie whiners. let the people live damn!!!!

77.9.2009 12:05

Originally posted by warriorp:
china is a nice country but their government are a bunch of prissie whiners. let the people live damn!!!!

It is a nice country with rich history and culture its a shame the government has to so viscous to its people, who without they would be no where.

87.9.2009 14:24

Originally posted by joe777:
But hey the chinks have been here before, they rule the electronics market
Let's try not to refer to Chinese people like that in future..

98.9.2009 17:27

Ah sorry creak I have never been one for political correctness. Also I have never been one to be malicious either. Call me a cloggy or as my belgian counterparts would say "kass blokjes" cheese blocks, the schots smelly socks or the pakistanies pakis. No offence meant and none should be taken as an attack.
BTW is it ok to say yanks? but not ch***s?
Not having a go just showing there is no place for political or personal correctness.
Right am going to my personal bunker to hide from creaky. Run forest run!!!!!!

108.9.2009 18:46

Good stuff. I'm not bothered by such terms but some of our listeners would be.

'Moving on' :)

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