AfterDawn: Tech news

'Bible Adventures' headed to gaming consoles

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Dec 2009 8:01 User comments (70)

'Bible Adventures' headed to gaming consoles Left Behind Games, infamously known for their Christian-themed PC games, have decided to expand their games to gaming consoles, announcing the launch of Bible Adventures for the Xbox 360 and the Wii.
The game is not a port of the old NES game by the same name but instead "a brand new game that happens to have the same title, this one set in their "Charlie the Church Mouse" series of educational games on the PC," says 1up.

The new adventure will "educate young children by teaching them academic lessons vital to early childhood development through Bible stories," added Left Behind CEO Troy Lyndon.

"Parents and kids already love the Charlie Church Mouse Bible Adventure games for the PC," Lyndon continues. "Our strategy is to follow Nintendo's example by including up to 18 story animations and mini-games, providing significant value for our customers. We expect our financial projections to grow exponentially as we transition from a PC game developer to a Wii & Xbox developer."

There was no word on why the PS3 was dis-included from the new development.

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70 user comments

112.12.2009 21:35

Please lord.... No... Just no.... stop this now... please....

212.12.2009 22:08

The new adventure will "educate young children by teaching them lies vital to early childhood corruption through Bible stories"

Fixed. How that kind of error slipped through we'll never know...

312.12.2009 22:13

the PS3 is metal as *bleep* and too satanic for this game lol :-P

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 13 Dec 2009 @ 4:02

413.12.2009 00:00

Who's version of it I wonder?

513.12.2009 01:24

Amak grow up and accept other people and their beliefs, morality as we know it today has been defined through religion and the bible. As well as hospitals and universitys also started by Christianity.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 13 Dec 2009 @ 1:27

613.12.2009 02:28

As bad as the original Bible Adventures game was, I actually have very fond memories of it as a kid. No one had it or knew where to get it was the problem, so I didn't get a chance to play it very much. It was probably best that way because I never discovered how bad it truly was. Haha.
By the way, the original game was made by a different company I'm pretty darn sure. Hopefully this one will be better, eh?
Amak, your comment was insensitive and unnecessary.

713.12.2009 07:24

its just an example of how bible bashers are trying to convert or warp young peoples minds.

813.12.2009 09:33

I honestly don't get some of you would hate on a company for creating a religiously themed game for consoles. I think it is great that companies would make content for an obviously niche market like that. There is money to be made and not just with bible thumping fanatics.

There is a young man where I work who limits his media viewing to religious or educational type programs and the only music he listens to is gospel. He is really young, I would say early 20's. People like him are not unusual here where I live. He doesn't play video games and such simply because he is not interested in the content of most of them. I think he would buy games if they referenced material from the bible and if it wasn't complete garbage (from his point of view) he would probably tell people in his church about it and word of mouth is always good publicity.

I'm an atheist personally but I was raised baptist. I could see the appeal in something like that and probably would have appreciated any diversion instead of simply reading from the bible (outside of Sundays in church lol) as a leisure activity when I was younger.

913.12.2009 10:33

........... Bang and the the world started ......... What A Crock of ish

Nothing started from nothing and then just nothing and then all the sudden something some one pm me when they have hard evidence on the "theory" because it seems to me the bible has more credit than this belief.

lol at some random bang out of no where

1013.12.2009 11:01

Finally kids will know how to properly stone and crucify lepers, should come in handy during the next Dark Age…

Sorry couldn’t resist lol

1113.12.2009 12:15

Most of these posts just show how immature and close minded most of the members here at Afterdawn really are. I have never seen anyone bash someone for being a heathen but God forbid someone be a Christian or come out with a Christian themed game.

1213.12.2009 12:41

Originally posted by riprat:
Most of these posts just show how immature and close minded most of the members here at Afterdawn really are. I have never seen anyone bash someone for being a heathen but God forbid someone be a Christian or come out with a Christian themed game.
You summed it up. I'm shocked at some of these comments. I'm no bible thumper myself, but I am Christian, so please don't knock me for my beliefs.

I will admit though, there are people that go overboard with the "Praise Jesus" stuff, but doesn't that happen with anything in life? Just head over to the Xbox forum and see how many geeks are fired up over Modern Warfare 2!

1313.12.2009 16:03

stuntman_ - Please watch the language in future.

1413.12.2009 16:06

It's a cool idea. But god doesn't exist get over it. If he does, he is a selfish dick. Let the hate for me begin lol.

1513.12.2009 17:13

Originally posted by embo22000:
It's a cool idea. But god doesn't exist get over it. If he does, he is a selfish dick. Let the hate for me begin lol.
You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

1613.12.2009 18:07

Originally posted by silvawolf:
........... Bang and the the world started ......... What A Crock of ish

Nothing started from nothing and then just nothing and then all the sudden something some one pm me when they have hard evidence on the "theory" because it seems to me the bible has more credit than this belief.

lol at some random bang out of no where
yeah i know i've heard a crazier story though.

Poof! There was a man! he created the heaven and The Earth, that's good right? he also made 8 other planets but he doesn't talk about those. he also doesn't talk about black holes, Anti-matter, or other galaxys.

at one point he spoke to a guy called noah..

Noah got two of every species of animal on one boat. that's 100 Million animals on one boat. he then flooded the earth. fish didn't need to get on boat for obvious reasons, however both fresh water and salt water fish survived, that's pretty cool right?

you got me, it's from The Bible.

Which also states the world is about 5000 years old, and there was no such thing as dinosaurs. There's also a red man with pointy horns, who will punish you if you are bad.

1713.12.2009 18:53

I can tell you guys are onto something...Within the next few comments, I expect a complete and worldwide epiphany resolving all matters of religion, philosophy and the meaning of life.

Unfortunately, I have to go to bed now. I fully plan to get up a few minutes earlier than usual to read the follow-up on this thread before I decide if it will be worth going on with my business or if I should just go lay down and wait for the end...

1813.12.2009 18:55

2 each of the unclean animals.. 7 of the clean ones.. funny how that gets missed..

I prefer Bill Cosby's take on the god v noah story (we know noah was a Sumerian anyhow.. and the flood was just a bit larger than normal, just exceptional enough to write a story about.

These games are fine.. as long as they are just games, and sold as stories not truth.

Religion has no place in a modern world.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 13 Dec 2009 @ 6:55

1913.12.2009 22:16

Originally posted by scum101:
2 each of the unclean animals.. 7 of the clean ones.. funny how that gets missed..

I prefer Bill Cosby's take on the god v noah story (we know noah was a Sumerian anyhow.. and the flood was just a bit larger than normal, just exceptional enough to write a story about.

These games are fine.. as long as they are just games, and sold as stories not truth.

Religion has no place in a modern world.
The most ignorant comment of the day goes to scum!

2013.12.2009 23:46

wtf??.. what is ignorant? .. The story of a flood and an ark is in the epic of gilgamesh..

as for religion.. kiss my arse.. it's all a pack of lies... dangerous lies used to justify war and genocide.

Now then.. you spout on about morality earlier.. WHERE is the morality in shoving YOUR pack of lies down peoples throats.. errmm.. nowhere I would suggest.

Have you READ the bible?.. because I have.. in detail.. the only way to defend yourself from religious bigotry is to know your enemy and their book better than they do themselves. I can tear your book of lies down too easily, so don't tempt me..

I'm going to report this whole topic now for breaking the "religion" rule..

No point trying to talk sense to the blikered bigots of the religious right.. y'know.. them who say "it's a sin" and "god told me" ..

wheres the straightjacket?? lies and damn lies.. that's all.. no more and never will be.

prop8 and lies mofo.. answer me that..

2114.12.2009 01:41

Originally posted by scum101:
2 each of the unclean animals.. 7 of the clean ones.. funny how that gets missed..

I prefer Bill Cosby's take on the god v noah story (we know noah was a Sumerian anyhow.. and the flood was just a bit larger than normal, just exceptional enough to write a story about.

These games are fine.. as long as they are just games, and sold as stories not truth.

Religion has no place in a modern world.
The most ignorant comment of the day goes to scum!
Actually, it was an intelligent comment. He corrected the common "2 of each animal" mistake, he acknowledged that it is possible for a large (not global) flood to happen, and also makes the good point that what is contained in the bible are stories. There is no way to prove the validity of absolutely anything in that book. That's why religion is left to faith and that's why it should never be presented as fact.

2214.12.2009 01:57

How disappointed I am. I thought I was going to read a solution to man's destiny this beautiful Monday morning. Instead, both sides of the religious divide bashing each other and calling each other uncivilized, ignorant, immature, close-minded and other names. Oh, well.

Video Games with religious themes...Sure, why not. You don't HAVE to buy them, borrow or steal them. They don't add or substract anything to anybody's knowledge or beliefs, just like Grand Theft Auto or Assassin's Creed don't either.

Let's move on.

2314.12.2009 06:12

Originally posted by scum101:
2 each of the unclean animals.. 7 of the clean ones.. funny how that gets missed..

I prefer Bill Cosby's take on the god v noah story (we know noah was a Sumerian anyhow.. and the flood was just a bit larger than normal, just exceptional enough to write a story about.

These games are fine.. as long as they are just games, and sold as stories not truth.

Religion has no place in a modern world.
The most ignorant comment of the day goes to scum!
Actually, it was an intelligent comment. He corrected the common "2 of each animal" mistake, he acknowledged that it is possible for a large (not global) flood to happen, and also makes the good point that what is contained in the bible are stories. There is no way to prove the validity of absolutely anything in that book. That's why religion is left to faith and that's why it should never be presented as fact.
But it can be disproved with logic, 100 million animals on one boat, with no food supply. - how big was this boat?

2414.12.2009 07:18

I think the QE2 has approximately 700 acres of space. At 1 square meter per animal, 100 million animals would require about 25,000 acres of space. It had to be a big boat...

If you believe in the literal accuracy of the bible, good for you. It seems to me that it would make life a lot easier to deal with. But, please, keep it quiet. It is an individual and private decision for me and I don't need your help at this time. I promise to call you if I change my mind.

2514.12.2009 07:57

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.

2614.12.2009 08:28

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.
Nobody is pushing anything in anyones face. Already stated, you don't have to buy it.

2714.12.2009 08:43

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.
Science has proven micro-evolution true,macro evolution actually makes no sense if you think about and that is why no macro biologist believe it, but are forced to say they do for government funding. Think about birds. If we all started from a single celled organism(which is absurd) These birds had to of been land animals. As evolution was progressing it "determined" these birds need to have wings. But why for the 100 million years it would take evolution to grow wings capable that allows a bird to fly. If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct based on all the predators that could easily catch a grounded bird with wings as dead weight. So Evolution in fact makes no sense by going against it's very own nature. You say that the Bible cannot be proven and i agree, that is why you must have faith. Lucky enough for me I am man enough to accept something higher that me instead of thinking my baby boy is just a 500 million year long product of a random event

2814.12.2009 09:04

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.
Science has proven micro-evolution true,macro evolution actually makes no sense if you think about and that is why no macro biologist believe it, but are forced to say they do for government funding. Think about birds. If we all started from a single celled organism(which is absurd) These birds had to of been land animals. As evolution was progressing it "determined" these birds need to have wings. But why for the 100 million years it would take evolution to grow wings capable that allows a bird to fly. If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct based on all the predators that could easily catch a grounded bird with wings as dead weight. So Evolution in fact makes no sense by going against it's very own nature. You say that the Bible cannot be proven and i agree, that is why you must have faith. Lucky enough for me I am man enough to accept something higher that me instead of thinking my baby boy is just a 500 million year long product of a random event
You have just supported evolution, "If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct"

excatly! the one who couldn't fly died out, the ones that could fly survived it's so simple.

Penguins survived by being able to survive cold weather conditions that other animals could not, apart from fish, which they eat as food.

Nothing is determined in evolution, the animals that are able to replicate without being killed or running out of food(I.e they have an advantage) survived, they ones that didn't have an advantage died out.

Giraffes are a perfect example:

At one point Giraffes had short necks, over millions of years some where born that had slightly longer necks, they where able to reach food that the short neck Giraffes could could not.

over time, more long neck Giraffes survived and pass on the their genetic material (replicated) and the short neck Giraffes died out as they could not reach the leaves for food.

natural selection is one of the simplest things.

only 1% of everything that has ever existed is still alive today, which proves just how perfect everything is on earth and how thing must have adapted to survive.

You survived you passed on your genetic material and human race continues, if humans for whatever reason could not replicate, we would become extinct. simple.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 Dec 2009 @ 9:08

2914.12.2009 12:15

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.
Science has proven micro-evolution true,macro evolution actually makes no sense if you think about and that is why no macro biologist believe it, but are forced to say they do for government funding. Think about birds. If we all started from a single celled organism(which is absurd) These birds had to of been land animals. As evolution was progressing it "determined" these birds need to have wings. But why for the 100 million years it would take evolution to grow wings capable that allows a bird to fly. If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct based on all the predators that could easily catch a grounded bird with wings as dead weight. So Evolution in fact makes no sense by going against it's very own nature. You say that the Bible cannot be proven and i agree, that is why you must have faith. Lucky enough for me I am man enough to accept something higher that me instead of thinking my baby boy is just a 500 million year long product of a random event
You have just supported evolution, "If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct"

excatly! the one who couldn't fly died out, the ones that could fly survived it's so simple.

Penguins survived by being able to survive cold weather conditions that other animals could not, apart from fish, which they eat as food.

Nothing is determined in evolution, the animals that are able to replicate without being killed or running out of food(I.e they have an advantage) survived, they ones that didn't have an advantage died out.

Giraffes are a perfect example:

At one point Giraffes had short necks, over millions of years some where born that had slightly longer necks, they where able to reach food that the short neck Giraffes could could not.

over time, more long neck Giraffes survived and pass on the their genetic material (replicated) and the short neck Giraffes died out as they could not reach the leaves for food.

natural selection is one of the simplest things.

only 1% of everything that has ever existed is still alive today, which proves just how perfect everything is on earth and how thing must have adapted to survive.

You survived you passed on your genetic material and human race continues, if humans for whatever reason could not replicate, we would become extinct. simple.
Natural selection may be one of the most simplest things, but how do evolution supporters know that life wasn't created to be that way? Turn to micro biologists who have "proven" evolution, and you realize that they cannot explain the mechanism behind it. The science behind why it happens, not the belief or theory. Which is why it can't be answered as to whether we are still evolving or not. As a fact, natural selection is a theory. Also the original starting point has not been proved scientifically. So the argument is really between people who believe in a random event and people who believe in intelligent design. Why has this thread about a video game become a pissing match between both sides?

3014.12.2009 13:10

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.
Science has proven micro-evolution true,macro evolution actually makes no sense if you think about and that is why no macro biologist believe it, but are forced to say they do for government funding. Think about birds. If we all started from a single celled organism(which is absurd) These birds had to of been land animals. As evolution was progressing it "determined" these birds need to have wings. But why for the 100 million years it would take evolution to grow wings capable that allows a bird to fly. If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct based on all the predators that could easily catch a grounded bird with wings as dead weight. So Evolution in fact makes no sense by going against it's very own nature. You say that the Bible cannot be proven and i agree, that is why you must have faith. Lucky enough for me I am man enough to accept something higher that me instead of thinking my baby boy is just a 500 million year long product of a random event
You have just supported evolution, "If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct"

excatly! the one who couldn't fly died out, the ones that could fly survived it's so simple.

Penguins survived by being able to survive cold weather conditions that other animals could not, apart from fish, which they eat as food.

Nothing is determined in evolution, the animals that are able to replicate without being killed or running out of food(I.e they have an advantage) survived, they ones that didn't have an advantage died out.

Giraffes are a perfect example:

At one point Giraffes had short necks, over millions of years some where born that had slightly longer necks, they where able to reach food that the short neck Giraffes could could not.

over time, more long neck Giraffes survived and pass on the their genetic material (replicated) and the short neck Giraffes died out as they could not reach the leaves for food.

natural selection is one of the simplest things.

only 1% of everything that has ever existed is still alive today, which proves just how perfect everything is on earth and how thing must have adapted to survive.

You survived you passed on your genetic material and human race continues, if humans for whatever reason could not replicate, we would become extinct. simple.
Natural selection may be one of the most simplest things, but how do evolution supporters know that life wasn't created to be that way? Turn to micro biologists who have "proven" evolution, and you realize that they cannot explain the mechanism behind it. The science behind why it happens, not the belief or theory. Which is why it can't be answered as to whether we are still evolving or not. As a fact, natural selection is a theory. Also the original starting point has not been proved scientifically. So the argument is really between people who believe in a random event and people who believe in intelligent design. Why has this thread about a video game become a pissing match between both sides?
There is no reason why it happens, it just happens over millions of years. we would not see any difference in our evolution for 100's of millions of years.

Evolution has not been dis-proven. whereas "facts" in The Bible have been dis-proven, you have to believe every word in the bible, you can't choose to believe certain parts of it, that misses the point entirely, And people seem to ignore the mistakes within the bible not small mistakes, BIG mistakes. God created heaven and earth, but doesn't mention the other 8 planets. God doesn't explain gravity, atoms, protons and neutrons, which are, loosely speaking, the building blocks of our universe.

The is also no reference to the dinosaurs, a talking snake and noahs ark. these are stories created by mankind, these do not exist in the animal kingdom, animals only objective is survival and replication, and until our mind developed that was our only goal as well.

3114.12.2009 13:57

'dis-included'? what happened to 'excluded'?

3214.12.2009 13:57

I really never thought the day would come where Evolution vs. Creation would become the subject of a thread on Afterdawn, which I associated - no offense to our dear friends at Afterdawn - with electronics, software and the workings of the internet.

Why is this relevant to 'Bible Adventures'?

Cannot we just get along? The mystery of life will continue. Abraham, Moses, the Flood, the Rapture, Mohammed, the Pope, Meccah, Israel, etc.., I'm confused and expect to remain that way.

Don't you all realize that most people don't give an official F... and that, in the end, it only matters that a person's freedom to believe whatever they want to, is the most essential principle of humanity/civilization? If you believe in a god, fine. If you don't, fine.

3314.12.2009 14:03

It's still our only goal .. to reproduce and continue our genetic code.. and unless we put aside a lot of junk quickly we will fail, just like 99.9% of all species that have ever existed.

These games should carry an 18+ warning, just like the violent ones.. these are worse, they allow bigoted parents to indoctrinate their lies and false beliefs into children too young to make an informed choice about what is fantasy and what is real. Very few other games are sold with this false "truth" element .. How about Holocaust Tycoon? .. run your own death camp and get rich from the gold teeth then get yourself right to the top, eventually becoming Camp Commandant and a high ranking member of the party.... oh no.. FAR too close to an unpleasant truth. It would never happen, because it might upset some people. I wouldn't care. It could be educational and fact based. We know the facts of the matter so nothing apart from the possible back story.
This is where the lines get blurred as soon as religion comes into it. In the GTA series women are seen and treated as ho's and bitches.. We know that isn't true, but in the game it's accepted as a part of the fictitious world the game is set in. These games have an age rating because?.. to protect children who can't understand the difference between fantasy and reality.

In my world forcing lies on children as truth with the threat of a violent punishment if they refuse to accept and continue the lie is pure child abuse. There is no other way to see it. There is a matter of strong personal conscience.. My child was brought up free from these lies, but now as an adult it's up to her whatever crap she wants to believe.. the operative word being ADULT!

I don't believe this topic is still ongoing after I reported it as breaking one of the fundamental site rules.

Heres one I heard at the weekend..

"On the 9th day god created transpeople.. to keep the creationists straight about the truth of evolution and that everything is not perfect.. evolution makes various changes as a fact of itself otherwise we would all be blue slime.. live with it"

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 Dec 2009 @ 2:17

3414.12.2009 14:06

There is a very simple concept people can not grasp.


Think about a world where instead of arguing with each other's believes we all just get along because we all believe the same thing. No war no violence in the name of someones faith....just peace

what makes religion so great? I know some of you have had theses believes all of your life. But is that the only reason you have them? Because its what your parents taught you and you don't know anything else ?

And lets pretend for a second that it is %100 fact that there is a heaven and a hell and some kind of religion is %100 accurate.

how do you know that your religion is right?

What happens when you practice Christianity all your life and the Muslims were right not the Christians. Are you going to go to hell while the Muslim has 50 virgins up in the sky?

Think about all the religions in the world there are so many that believe so many different things. I just don't understand why people need a faith to be happy. I was a catholic most my life until I figured out that I really didn't believe any of this and that it was just pushed upon me by my family. I had to live my life different than I wanted to because of faith.

Now I just do what I want to do. I don't worry about what some God that might not even exist might think. I just have fun and live my life to the fullest, I don't live it scared and oppressed like many religious people I know.

I am not trying to start a fight or anything I just thought I would fully share my point of view. Maybe someone can give me some answers to some of those questions I asked maybe I am wrong....who knows

3514.12.2009 14:31

Originally posted by stuntman_:
There is a very simple concept people can not grasp.


Think about a world where instead of arguing with each other's believes we all just get along because we all believe the same thing. No war no violence in the name of someones faith....just peace
I disagree. Religion is not the cause of war. It's the scapegoat. Man is violent. If there were no modern day religion, there would be something made into a "religion" to justify a fight. People will always congregate in groups for some similar interests or common goal. Anyone outside of that interest or opposed to that goal would inherently always be the enemy. People in power have used religion to their benefit. Religion has been used as a tool of manipulation by many nations. If not religion, it would have been something else.

3614.12.2009 14:35

Hey stuntman ..

I can answer that one for you..

Faith is an excuse for evil people.

Now then.. have a chew on this.. Evil people.. REALLY evil people will want to be seen as good people. Now somebody can be very good without believing in anything, they just like to help and do things of benefit to everybody. Evil people see this and stick the label of a religion on them at the same time sticking the same label on themselves. They benefit by he perception that by wearing that brand they are seen also as the good people even though they actually are horrid devisive nasty people who only ever do things which hurt and marginalise others.
They organise into sects and exclude anybody who does not 100% agree with what they say. They poison the good people with their presence and their untruths.

A good person does not need religion to be a good person, but an evil person needs it totally to make themselves look good and to gain power by association.

Remember a little of the late stone age religion of Egypt about what happens at death... the weighing of the heart against the feather of truth.. Now then.. that is older than any of the monotheistic totalitarian religions... by a few thousand years. It is a self judgement on how a person has lived their life to themselves and towards others. Have they told the truth and acted in a good way always and so have died with a light and pure heart, or have they lied and cheated and manipulated their way to the grave and so have a heavy heart? .. the feather of truth.. a feather..
We have that carved in stone by the people concerned.. it hasn't been copied and manipulated and messed about with to suit various political situations over the centuries.. it's raw from the horses mouth so to speak.. at least it is in it's later form as all these things stem from a far older oral source.

I would suggest having a good look at the pre-abahamic religions, and those of the americas and aboriginal peoples everywhere. There are interesting parallels from right back. The similarities are such that I think there may be faint echoes of something believed by those couple of hunderd people who came out of Africa 60,000 years ago and colonised the planet.

and then we have people like riprat.. closed minded? .. yes riprat .. you.. an apologist.. if religion was so right why does it need defending by the likes of you? .. probably because when faced with informed fact and truth it falls down like a house of cards.

3714.12.2009 14:37

"Cannot we just get along? The mystery of life will continue. Abraham, Moses, the Flood, the Rapture, Mohammed, the Pope, Meccah, Israel, etc.., I'm confused and expect to remain that way."

Gee, I am quoting myself...

There are obviously still a lot of people dragging themselves through the day worrying about the "Meaning Of Life" and the instinctive urge to expect an After Life of some sort...


Can we talk about something else? I do like video games but I just can't push the right buttons...

3814.12.2009 14:46

Originally posted by emugamer:
Originally posted by stuntman_:
There is a very simple concept people can not grasp.


Think about a world where instead of arguing with each other's believes we all just get along because we all believe the same thing. No war no violence in the name of someones faith....just peace
I disagree. Religion is not the cause of war. It's the scapegoat. Man is violent. If there were no modern day religion, there would be something made into a "religion" to justify a fight. People will always congregate in groups for some similar interests or common goal. Anyone outside of that interest or opposed to that goal would inherently always be the enemy. People in power have used religion to their benefit. Religion has been used as a tool of manipulation by many nations. If not religion, it would have been something else.
This a very interesting point. You are really making me think on this one lol

3914.12.2009 14:52

This clearly out of place discussion about religion was inevitable you know... That being said... this is just a game, please calm down.

Everything will be okay without you trying to impose your values and/or beliefs onto others. If the title was like... President changing religion to Mormonism or something, that could spark some interesting discussion, but it's just a game. Wtf am I doing trying to REASON on the Internet lol@me.

4014.12.2009 15:10

Amen (and I mean, literally)

4114.12.2009 16:34

Originally posted by scum101:
2 each of the unclean animals.. 7 of the clean ones.. funny how that gets missed..

I prefer Bill Cosby's take on the god v noah story (we know noah was a Sumerian anyhow.. and the flood was just a bit larger than normal, just exceptional enough to write a story about.

These games are fine.. as long as they are just games, and sold as stories not truth.

Religion has no place in a modern world.
The most ignorant comment of the day goes to scum!
Actually, it was an intelligent comment. He corrected the common "2 of each animal" mistake, he acknowledged that it is possible for a large (not global) flood to happen, and also makes the good point that what is contained in the bible are stories. There is no way to prove the validity of absolutely anything in that book. That's why religion is left to faith and that's why it should never be presented as fact.
But it can be disproved with logic, 100 million animals on one boat, with no food supply. - how big was this boat?
There is no doubt it can (and much has been) disproved. I'm an atheist,I was simply pointing out that scum was correcting common errors that even christians make. People can have their religion as long as it doesn't encroach on everyone's rights, education and government.

Originally posted by John_Donn:
Science has proven micro-evolution true,macro evolution actually makes no sense if you think about and that is why no macro biologist believe it, but are forced to say they do for government funding. Think about birds. If we all started from a single celled organism(which is absurd) These birds had to of been land animals. As evolution was progressing it "determined" these birds need to have wings. But why for the 100 million years it would take evolution to grow wings capable that allows a bird to fly. If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct based on all the predators that could easily catch a grounded bird with wings as dead weight. So Evolution in fact makes no sense by going against it's very own nature. You say that the Bible cannot be proven and i agree, that is why you must have faith. Lucky enough for me I am man enough to accept something higher that me instead of thinking my baby boy is just a 500 million year long product of a random event
Science has actually proven both macro and micro evolution. There is no sense arguing about it. It is the equivalent of arguing that the world is flat. Why isn't it possible to embrace evolution and still maintain your beliefs? Embracing evolution hurts religion no more than discovering that earth was, in fact, not the center of the universe. This bandwagoning the church has created against evolution makes no sense.

Originally posted by scum101:
These games should carry an 18+ warning, just like the violent ones.. these are worse, they allow bigoted parents to indoctrinate their lies and false beliefs into children too young to make an informed choice about what is fantasy and what is real. Very few other games are sold with this false "truth" element .. How about Holocaust Tycoon? .. run your own death camp and get rich from the gold teeth then get yourself right to the top, eventually becoming Camp Commandant and a high ranking member of the party.... oh no.. FAR too close to an unpleasant truth. It would never happen, because it might upset some people. I wouldn't care. It could be educational and fact based. We know the facts of the matter so nothing apart from the possible back story.


Originally posted by stuntman_:

Think about a world where instead of arguing with each other's believes we all just get along because we all believe the same thing. No war no violence in the name of someones faith....just peace
I wouldn't go that far to proclaim that there would be world peace without religion. Naturally humans are violent creatures. It is one of many traits that has allowed us to evolve in this competitive world. There is quite a bit of evidence that supports violence between members of hominid tribes from the paleolithic era. Humans naturally dislike those who are not like the people in their pack, hence, violence involving religion, race, sexuality, geographic locations, and even sports team affiliations. The list goes on.

Originally posted by siber:
Can we talk about something else? I do like video games but I just can't push the right buttons...
Siber, I don't mean to sound rude so please do not take offense. This topic is about a religious game that has been labeled as "vital to a child's development." It's difficult to discuss a religious game without discussing religion. If you don't like the topic there are thousands of other threads to post in that do not involve religion.

4214.12.2009 16:48

jsut because something has been said tis vital doesnt mean it is though. IF the parents want their child to leanr about christianity, this is but one way for this to be achived. for those that dont,no worries, dont buy the games for your kids :)

now can we all get along?

4314.12.2009 20:05

Why I always don't talk about music, politics, or religion.

Everybody has something that they like/dislike (and the same for me).

If you don't like it (favorite singer, why you vote[or not], and what you believe in[or don't]) move on to something else, and move on.

4414.12.2009 20:38

Originally posted by getanacct:
Why I always don't talk about music, politics, or religion.

Everybody has something that they like/dislike (and the same for me).

If you don't like it (favorite singer, why you vote[or not], and what you believe in[or don't]) move on to something else, and move on.
i think is positive to have an open discussion about these things

4514.12.2009 21:03

You won't get flamed from me because i know you are doing it just to be a jerk about it. At least say something of intelligence. After 2,000 (1700 if u want to be uber technical)years of Christianity it is still here and science has failed to disprove it, in fact it has enhanced its truth to us.

Science has proven the theory of evolution but it hasnt proved the bible is fact,god exist or that even jesus was real when we find his skeleton then we can all believe he was hasn't proved god is real.I think for someone to create 9 planets which revolve and with moons revoling around each planet he must of been a mad scientist or mathamatical genius.christianity,atheistism,holy karan,buddism & other religions shouldn't be pushed in our face by videogames its bad enough mormans go to people houses preaching about god.
Science has proven micro-evolution true,macro evolution actually makes no sense if you think about and that is why no macro biologist believe it, but are forced to say they do for government funding. Think about birds. If we all started from a single celled organism(which is absurd) These birds had to of been land animals. As evolution was progressing it "determined" these birds need to have wings. But why for the 100 million years it would take evolution to grow wings capable that allows a bird to fly. If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct based on all the predators that could easily catch a grounded bird with wings as dead weight. So Evolution in fact makes no sense by going against it's very own nature. You say that the Bible cannot be proven and i agree, that is why you must have faith. Lucky enough for me I am man enough to accept something higher that me instead of thinking my baby boy is just a 500 million year long product of a random event
You have just supported evolution, "If you had wings but couldn't fly that specie of bird would of gone extinct"

excatly! the one who couldn't fly died out, the ones that could fly survived it's so simple.

Penguins survived by being able to survive cold weather conditions that other animals could not, apart from fish, which they eat as food.

Nothing is determined in evolution, the animals that are able to replicate without being killed or running out of food(I.e they have an advantage) survived, they ones that didn't have an advantage died out.

Giraffes are a perfect example:

At one point Giraffes had short necks, over millions of years some where born that had slightly longer necks, they where able to reach food that the short neck Giraffes could could not.

over time, more long neck Giraffes survived and pass on the their genetic material (replicated) and the short neck Giraffes died out as they could not reach the leaves for food.

natural selection is one of the simplest things.

only 1% of everything that has ever existed is still alive today, which proves just how perfect everything is on earth and how thing must have adapted to survive.

You survived you passed on your genetic material and human race continues, if humans for whatever reason could not replicate, we would become extinct. simple.
i did not support evoloution. For an animal to grow wings based on evoloution it would take millions of years. In those millions of year every animal evoloution "told" to grow wings would have been made extinct very fast. I am not referring to penguins,i am referring to the everday common pidgeon or hummingbird. If you took away there flight they would be defenseless and easy prey. Evoloution contradicts itself in this example. Why would the genetic code change in the animal to make itself much weaker? And macro evoloution has never been proven. It is a theory just like all science is,it is continually changing and making adjustments. I am not forcing anything on anyone and neither is this game. If you don't want the game don't buy it,i doubt your 6 year old will wonder into gamestop and buy a 65 dollar game

4615.12.2009 01:36


And people seem to ignore the mistakes within the bible not small mistakes, BIG mistakes. God created heaven and earth, but doesn't mention the other 8 planets. God doesn't explain gravity, atoms, protons and neutrons, which are, loosely speaking, the building blocks of our universe.

Genesis 1:28
"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
Isn't science subduing and giving us dominion over the earth?

Originally posted by stuntman_:
There is a very simple concept people can not grasp.
What happens when you practice Christianity all your life and the Muslims were right not the Christians. Are you going to go to hell while the Muslim has 50 virgins up in the sky?

Mark 12:31
"And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these."
If you loved your neighbor as yourself you wouldn't war with them just like you wouldn't war with yourself. You wouldn't kill, cheat, lie or steal from anyone you loved would you? Especially if it was your fathers son or daughter whom you loved the more for loving you enough to create you. 1 John 4:19 "We love him, because he first loved us." And as for fifty virgin ladies Jesus says in Luke 20:35, "But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:" and also in Matthew 22:30, "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven."
Originally posted by siber:


John 14:9, "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?" As to say, you see God from his works. So if you love your neighbor as you love yourself then you should also care for them also going to heaven as well as yourself. Matthew 7:19, "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." Love your enemies and think of the poor before thinking of yourself. And Jesus says in Mark 16:15-16, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." This is all and more in the kjv holy bible btw. But as for the game, no ones gonna force you to pay for it just like no one can force me to buy a copy of watchman for my ps3.

4715.12.2009 02:08

i doubt your 6 year old will wonder into gamestop and buy a 65 dollar game
No, instead the deluded parents will buy the game in an attempt to poison the well of knowledge of yet another generation, and the game company will earn money to fuel their propaganda machine (tax free of course).

It's vital for the church to instill religion into the youth while their brain is still malleable and easily exploitable. Religious videogames provide the perfect opportunity for this form of child abuse.

4815.12.2009 04:35

i doubt your 6 year old will wonder into gamestop and buy a 65 dollar game
No, instead the deluded parents will buy the game in an attempt to poison the well of knowledge of yet another generation, and the game company will earn money to fuel their propaganda machine (tax free of course).

It's vital for the church to instill religion into the youth while their brain is still malleable and easily exploitable. Religious videogames provide the perfect opportunity for this form of child abuse.
child your funny,how can you defend a belief in nothing so viohemently. Why can i not have the right to free speech and press? Oh, thats right im a Christian. haha this is too much fun

4915.12.2009 05:18

John_Donn, you have free speech and press. Even though I disagree with Joshewah's assessment that these video games with religious themes represent child abuse, his comment is not an assault on your "free speech".

5015.12.2009 10:43

belief in nothing.

That's sort of like Jewish Nazis, black KKK members, or the color clear... isn't it? I hope you see where I was going with the redundancies.

Why can i not have the right to free speech and press? Oh, thats right im a Christian. haha this is too much fun
Have all the free speech you want. If parents respect their kids they won't force their beliefs on them. I see it as a form of abuse because in a sense it is brainwashing. There are people out there who think dinosaur fossils are a test from god (another delusional theory states that they are a temptation of the devil). There are people who believe the world was literally flooded globally. There are people who believe the world is only 6000 years old, and of course the people who reject evolution.

Its unfair to the kids to not allow them to choose and look at the facts when they are of a more mature age. Instead, each generation slaps the next generation's brains senseless with with the same 3000 year-old voodoo. Then they fill the child's head with nonsense about why certain sciences, like evolution, can't possibly be even though these parents speaking against it have no scientific background to support their arguments.

At one time people didn't want to believe the earth and planets revolved around he sun because it went against the notion the earth was the special center of the universe. It wasn't until the 20th century that the Vatican officially acknowledged the heliocentric model of the solar system (no joke, here is the link) hundreds of years after it was supported by the scientific community and the majority. Evolution is now facing the same scrutiny unfortunately.

5115.12.2009 11:25

Joshewah, I don't know where you live.

I used to live in the US for many years and was always amazed at the degree of "religiousness" I encountered. Preachers on 24h/day Christian TV stations, constant "Jesusing" on the radio, "In God we Trust" & "God Bless America" before and during any public or not so public event, etc...I often felt like screaming: shut up for just a moment! We know already!

Freedom to speak up, freedom of the press, freedom to have your own beliefs, freedom to have kids and to raise them the way you want to, as it is being practiced in the US, isn't going to be perfect but it is better than to have some "Authority" tell everybody which video games are OK and which ones are not.

Now, I live in Western Europe where God and The Church are completely marginalized. There is no passionate debate about God and The Afterlife. There are just yawns if the subject is raised. Europeans consider this an entirely private matter. I expect that video games with bible themes would be found in the same section where Devil Worship video games can be found.

I think children in Europe are choosing what and what not to believe, even if their parents and grand parents survived WW II as a very religious bunch and sent everybody to catholic school. It didn't work in Europe and probably won't work in the US, brainwashing with religious video games notwithstanding. If they want them, let them have them. They have the right.

5215.12.2009 17:15

I live in Central U.S. Its a mix of free and religious thinking. I wouldn't at all have a problem with religion if it didn't interfere with science education. Some theists are threatened by scientific studies but they shouldn't be. These are the same studies that allow us to live as civilized as we do today with the knowledge and technologies we enjoy. Games like this bible game will try to teach their versions of historical events and origin of our species. Teaching try to replace credible education with education that holds no water and has no sound evidence.

I hate to come off as a religious bigot. I have quite a few friends with religious beliefs that are extremely intelligent, but they don't discredit sound science in favor of 3000 year old stories with 0 evidence.

5317.12.2009 14:41

If all life on Earth came from one single Cell...
Where did the Cell come from?

Throw the "religious" dogma out and look at the problem with intellegence and an open mind and you will discover that there is as much likely hood that there was intellegence behind creation as not. And there is no actual proof either way. To close your mind to one idea or the other is to be just that... CLOSED MINDED.

5417.12.2009 15:21

Originally posted by Joshewah:
I live in Central U.S. Its a mix of free and religious thinking. I wouldn't at all have a problem with religion if it didn't interfere with science education. Some theists are threatened by scientific studies but they shouldn't be. These are the same studies that allow us to live as civilized as we do today with the knowledge and technologies we enjoy. Games like this bible game will try to teach their versions of historical events and origin of our species. Teaching try to replace credible education with education that holds no water and has no sound evidence.

I hate to come off as a religious bigot. I have quite a few friends with religious beliefs that are extremely intelligent, but they don't discredit sound science in favor of 3000 year old stories with 0 evidence.
I have found if you focus on how people limit themselves is easier ignore the real moronic ones if need be. Some and yes I do mean some religious folk think whatever it is they are on is the only way I do not believe in absolutism in religion(or most things humans).

Religion is all well and fine until they expect you to believe that god is only for the chosen for whom he chooses by the people he has chosen that tell you that they were chosen by him......... uuhhgggg.... get over it people if "God" is not light, love and forgiveness its shadow, ambiguity, division, hatred and annoyed annoying spitefulness.

I do not believe in the absolution of god or religion, I lean to the christian scenario and all but since god is beyond human pettiness, logic, greed, gender and human religion I find it silly to be so stern and dim.........

5518.12.2009 06:51

Originally posted by scum101:
It's still our only goal .. to reproduce and continue our genetic code.. and unless we put aside a lot of junk quickly we will fail, just like 99.9% of all species that have ever existed.

These games should carry an 18+ warning, just like the violent ones.. these are worse, they allow bigoted parents to indoctrinate their lies and false beliefs into children too young to make an informed choice about what is fantasy and what is real. Very few other games are sold with this false "truth" element .. How about Holocaust Tycoon? .. run your own death camp and get rich from the gold teeth then get yourself right to the top, eventually becoming Camp Commandant and a high ranking member of the party.... oh no.. FAR too close to an unpleasant truth. It would never happen, because it might upset some people. I wouldn't care. It could be educational and fact based. We know the facts of the matter so nothing apart from the possible back story.
This is where the lines get blurred as soon as religion comes into it. In the GTA series women are seen and treated as ho's and bitches.. We know that isn't true, but in the game it's accepted as a part of the fictitious world the game is set in. These games have an age rating because?.. to protect children who can't understand the difference between fantasy and reality.

In my world forcing lies on children as truth with the threat of a violent punishment if they refuse to accept and continue the lie is pure child abuse. There is no other way to see it. There is a matter of strong personal conscience.. My child was brought up free from these lies, but now as an adult it's up to her whatever crap she wants to believe.. the operative word being ADULT!

I don't believe this topic is still ongoing after I reported it as breaking one of the fundamental site rules.

Heres one I heard at the weekend..

"On the 9th day god created transpeople.. to keep the creationists straight about the truth of evolution and that everything is not perfect.. evolution makes various changes as a fact of itself otherwise we would all be blue slime.. live with it"

dude, how can you equate the holocaust to the gospel? the man died for my sins.

anyway, please let's all stop this. this is not in any way related to the game. and to all christian brothers, this could not be how he wanted his people to tell others of his love. there must be a better way.

5618.12.2009 07:30

Nobody died for anybodys sins.. the whole story is an allegory.. a method of thinking which rejects the organised and corrupted by power political situation 2000 years ago.

We have never looked beyond, because those with power will hold on to it, and those without will be controlled and told what to think. It was going on 2000 years ago, and it continues to this day.. the names may change but the song remains the same. We still have religion corrupting our government and law, making illogical statements as fact and using their word as a means of oppression.

At this time of year (a corrupted pagan festival, the birthday of the sun) it is good to reflect on the nature of lies and who benefits from holding them up as unassailable truth. People want to quote jesus.. fine.. I think what I say is often in agreement with the sentiments of that allegory, the overturner of the tables, the refusenik who would not agree with false accusation and lies to save face for those who abuse power and position.

There is a message, but the message isn't religion, it is a way of thinking and understanding situations and the way those who hold power will twist and corrupt truth for their own ends. These games would be good if they went down that line, but they don't.. they support the status quo and the unquestioning rule of those with power.

I like the way my allegory of the death camp tycoon game hit a nerve.. It would never happen because it exposes truths about fanaticism and unquestioning obedience to an imposed set of rules. Like it or not nazism was another form of fundamentalist religion.. a vision of one race of people all bread to be the same and indoctrinated to believe the same things. The only difference is we know who thought it up, and it used 20th century methods to achieve it's goals. If history had been different how would the world of blond blue eyed humans view Adolf in 1000 years?? Pope,dictator,furher .. same difference.. all rule by dictat and wield unquestionable authority. The message is to question that assumed authority, and the only way to do that is as a rational logical creature existing with self determination and self awareness, not by believing what you are told from a book completely detached from any context or reality.

5718.12.2009 08:14

Originally posted by scum101:
Nobody died for anybodys sins.. the whole story is an allegory.. a method of thinking which rejects the organised and corrupted by power political situation 2000 years ago.

We have never looked beyond, because those with power will hold on to it, and those without will be controlled and told what to think. It was going on 2000 years ago, and it continues to this day.. the names may change but the song remains the same. We still have religion corrupting our government and law, making illogical statements as fact and using their word as a means of oppression.

At this time of year (a corrupted pagan festival, the birthday of the sun) it is good to reflect on the nature of lies and who benefits from holding them up as unassailable truth. People want to quote jesus.. fine.. I think what I say is often in agreement with the sentiments of that allegory, the overturner of the tables, the refusenik who would not agree with false accusation and lies to save face for those who abuse power and position.

There is a message, but the message isn't religion, it is a way of thinking and understanding situations and the way those who hold power will twist and corrupt truth for their own ends. These games would be good if they went down that line, but they don't.. they support the status quo and the unquestioning rule of those with power.

I like the way my allegory of the death camp tycoon game hit a nerve.. It would never happen because it exposes truths about fanaticism and unquestioning obedience to an imposed set of rules. Like it or not nazism was another form of fundamentalist religion.. a vision of one race of people all bread to be the same and indoctrinated to believe the same things. The only difference is we know who thought it up, and it used 20th century methods to achieve it's goals. If history had been different how would the world of blond blue eyed humans view Adolf in 1000 years?? Pope,dictator,furher .. same difference.. all rule by dictat and wield unquestionable authority. The message is to question that assumed authority, and the only way to do that is as a rational logical creature existing with self determination and self awareness, not by believing what you are told from a book completely detached from any context or reality.
Never watch the history channel much do you, truth is stranger than fiction tho tales of old are not completely literal.

Also do not forget one of the main parts of Christianity, it took into it alot of other religions and made their festivals and such part of itself to help win over people, of course as it organized more things were changed and altered to fit either the theme of Christianity or the needs of the church. No religion pagan or otherwise can survive without its church and no religion can survive without the chrunch seeking to fullfill the needs both noble and inane of its preachers. A church is after all a human organization founded upon like views and like any other mob can be as corrupt or immutable as the common sheeple in the fold.

Religion offers security in ignorance, much like any org or group that dose not ask much of its members and greatest thing given is lip service with some real world action attached to it randomly.

Modern religion is bad about lip service and division, I mean you can boil modern religion(and if you wish to paint broadly all religion) with something like this
"We as a group" of "this" know better than "those of that" and thus as "we seek to" know "this" better "we can see" what "they can not see" and "we" shall spread the word "doing its deeds and being praised for that holly work" while "we try to inform" "they of unknown" "to us that we are great" in its glory and they shall be too if they accept us.

As you can see its us and them, the chosen and the unknown the ignorant and the forgiven, the righteous and the repentant. While they say all are sinners while they say all are flawed if you do not believe you are invalid if you are the X to their Y you are marked and made to suffer until you give in.

So many contradictions so human I have seen religion up close and from afar and have come to this conclusion man is fallible, religion by direct correlation is fallible because there is no other causation no other outcome we simply can not know all even by following "the plan" shown to us by our elders or conglomerated groups of faith and study we are simply fallible. This dose not mean we should not have faith merely be wary of the world and know its living and ever changing. "God" either in singular or multi form was once hateful, spiteful and wrathful as flawed and vague as man itself was and then a great change came he(she,it,ect,ect) forgave us completely, to know is not a matter of choice we are simply lifted from the burden of death of the soul and unjustified wrath of of the unknown.

In short I believe that unless one dose not forgive themselves and dose not try hard to be a flawed and well balanced human one is not outcasted to punishment in the world here after. We are here for a reason however petty and inane it is...but while from afar it seems as ants we scurry about individually we live,we love we understand and comprehend so much in the blink of an eye called human existence. Faith is there to lift us up and understand not hide in petty disdain and intolerance.

God can be a flying toaster

Good days come with light browning and buttery goodness bad days chaffing crumbs are everywhere with a chance of dark dry bitter toast, just rmeember its always above looking to save the day...unles of corse you hate toast Satan would like to ahve a word with you you want some toast? hoddy doddle do!
talkies my name(satan my nick name) and toasting is my game!.

My point being the more forgiving and kind religion is the less it can screw up and be a grade A pain in the ass...
yes I know...I stayed up an extra hour writing this out...I go to bed now its 8AM 0-o
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 Dec 2009 @ 8:17

5818.12.2009 10:17

Hehe, Jesus was a freedom fighter who stood up to the Religious and Imperial establishment, now he is under attack (2000 years later) from the religious establishment, trying to pigeon hole him in a box, and the those who would say arbitrarily that he does not exist based on the short combings of said Imperial power in absorbing Pagan festivals and renaming them Christmas... lol WE ARE ALL DECEIVED! The Empire adopted a growing religion to control those it could no longer control by violence.

As for this game... I would NEVER have known of its existence if it were not for this article. The preacher in Half Life 2 was awesome, but this looks boring. Yet, saying that, if someone were to make an no holds barred interpretation of the creation and Biblical stories without bias or overt political/ geopolitical aims or ambitions, it may MAY be worth a look. Don't hold your breath.

5920.12.2009 21:00

I hope it has an Ultra Mature rating considering the bible has lots of violence and incest.

6020.12.2009 21:23

Originally posted by hermes_vb:
I hope it has an Ultra Mature rating considering the bible has lots of violence and incest.

No this will be mreo liek veggie tales..... which is really pornographic if you have even the least bit of a perverted mind :P

6123.12.2009 03:41

To those who think someone is trying to "push" something on them every time a religious discussion comes up:
Your feeling is because of your own reluctance to fill the void in your life. When you think about it honestly, that is the only way to explain your knee-jerk reaction. Why else the aversion? You will be much more fulfilled if you can admit that there IS something missing in your life. If not any one particular religion, just realize a spiritual component must be lacking.
BALANCE is healthy.

6223.12.2009 03:49

Now, since it is CHRISTmas, allow me to remind those of us who have lost it: This is the holiday that celebrates our savior's birth. God as a man. Why would he do this? To experience the human condition firsthand, to identify with us, and save us (note 'savior' above) from evil. Why? Jesus loves you. That is all I will say for now. Jesus loves you.

6323.12.2009 04:59

Actually I am very happy for you, cart0181, that you have found peace and harmony within yourself. A soulful Xmas to you.

6423.12.2009 06:51

And let us all here at Afterdawn say AMEN.

6525.12.2009 03:22

By the way, I think this folks are going to be the competition.

6625.12.2009 06:23

I enjoyed that video. God bless America. Jesus rules. In God we trust... I hope The Lord saves us from Global Warming and allows for a little nuttiness in our lives, even some Christian, Muslim and other religious nuttiness.
Just don't let it IMPOSE its ideology on the rest of us. Thank you, Lord!

6725.12.2009 14:20

Originally posted by cart0181:
Now, since it is CHRISTmas, allow me to remind those of us who have lost it: This is the holiday that celebrates our savior's birth. God as a man. Why would he do this? To experience the human condition firsthand, to identify with us, and save us (note 'savior' above) from evil. Why? Jesus loves you. That is all I will say for now. Jesus loves you.

Meh Jesus level of forgiveness goes beyond over 9000 while he cares for the most part its not what you do with your life since you've been saved by his act.

And as Christianity sucked anything worthwhile out of pagan events and regurgitated it as their own bastardized version there's no real harm in a bit of get back and having the non pagans turn Christmas into happy holidays. While I find nothing wrong with Christian Christmas I find it much more amusing and fun seeing everyone get back at Christianity just for the lulz of it.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 25 Dec 2009 @ 2:54

6826.12.2009 00:53


A good person does not need religion to be a good person, but an evil person needs it totally to make themselves look good and to gain power by association.
I see a great many of these types of discussions and a lot of people bring the subject up with me on the net just because of my chosen nick.

This quote right here is one of the first ones that I've seen that actually "gets it".

Good is good. You do not have to be told what is good. It does not have to be "commanded" to you. You do not have to read it in a book. Your brain knows when your actions are good or not good.
It is YOU, who decides to do good or not to do good.

Religion is just a group of like minded people who want to do good and feel that associating with others who feel the same will help them to be better. There is nothing wrong with this. As a matter of fact it is a very good thing. Groups of people, banding together to do good things. How can that be bad?
Well, it goes bad because religions are man-made. They are controlled and run by men and because of that they are far from perfect. A GOOD person knows this and conducts themselves correctly. Do not judge the man by the religion. Each man is an individual. If a person chooses to be Christian does that mean he believes in stoning adulterers? Or cutting the hand off of the man who steals?
If a man is Jewish does that mean he hates Christians? or Muslims?
Judge the man, not the religion. Each man is an individual. Is he good or is he not? That is the only question.
In the end you cannot know that answer. Not for sure. You might have a very good idea but ultimately, only the man knows for sure.

There was religion before Abraham. Even monotheistic religions, particularly in the Sumerian/Egyptian areas. I am less well versed on the Eastern or American religions but I'm certain that it existed there as well, in some form. As near as I can tell, religion existed as long as man lived in groups. And I believe it will exist as long as man lives into the future. It is as "human" as laungage. To disregard it is to be delusional. If you think that insulting, ridiculing, attacking and berating religion will somehow make your beliefs more prominent then theirs then more power to you. But you're beating your head against a very old and very strong brick wall.

In the end all we as men can do is to do good and hope that that is enough.

Quote:i doubt your 6 year old will wonder into gamestop and buy a 65 dollar game

No, instead the deluded parents will buy the game in an attempt to poison the well of knowledge of yet another generation, and the game company will earn money to fuel their propaganda machine (tax free of course).

It's vital for the church to instill religion into the youth while their brain is still malleable and easily exploitable. Religious videogames provide the perfect opportunity for this form of child abuse.

And I suppose Harry Potter is just fine?
I'm just saying...

6926.12.2009 07:17

Quote:i doubt your 6 year old will wonder into gamestop and buy a 65 dollar game

No, instead the deluded parents will buy the game in an attempt to poison the well of knowledge of yet another generation, and the game company will earn money to fuel their propaganda machine (tax free of course).

It's vital for the church to instill religion into the youth while their brain is still malleable and easily exploitable. Religious videogames provide the perfect opportunity for this form of child abuse.

And I suppose Harry Potter is just fine?
I'm just saying...

Harry potter is fine as a videogame cause people know its fictional.the problem with basing a game on the bible people actually think the bible is true.

7026.12.2009 09:53

Originally posted by ThePastor:

A good person does not need religion to be a good person, but an evil person needs it totally to make themselves look good and to gain power by association.
I see a great many of these types of discussions and a lot of people bring the subject up with me on the net just because of my chosen nick.

This quote right here is one of the first ones that I've seen that actually "gets it".

Good is good. You do not have to be told what is good. It does not have to be "commanded" to you. You do not have to read it in a book. Your brain knows when your actions are good or not good.
It is YOU, who decides to do good or not to do good.

Religion is just a group of like minded people who want to do good and feel that associating with others who feel the same will help them to be better. There is nothing wrong with this. As a matter of fact it is a very good thing. Groups of people, banding together to do good things. How can that be bad?
Well, it goes bad because religions are man-made. They are controlled and run by men and because of that they are far from perfect. A GOOD person knows this and conducts themselves correctly. Do not judge the man by the religion. Each man is an individual. If a person chooses to be Christian does that mean he believes in stoning adulterers? Or cutting the hand off of the man who steals?
If a man is Jewish does that mean he hates Christians? or Muslims?
Judge the man, not the religion. Each man is an individual. Is he good or is he not? That is the only question.
In the end you cannot know that answer. Not for sure. You might have a very good idea but ultimately, only the man knows for sure.

There was religion before Abraham. Even monotheistic religions, particularly in the Sumerian/Egyptian areas. I am less well versed on the Eastern or American religions but I'm certain that it existed there as well, in some form. As near as I can tell, religion existed as long as man lived in groups. And I believe it will exist as long as man lives into the future. It is as "human" as laungage. To disregard it is to be delusional. If you think that insulting, ridiculing, attacking and berating religion will somehow make your beliefs more prominent then theirs then more power to you. But you're beating your head against a very old and very strong brick wall.

In the end all we as men can do is to do good and hope that that is enough.

Quote:i doubt your 6 year old will wonder into gamestop and buy a 65 dollar game

No, instead the deluded parents will buy the game in an attempt to poison the well of knowledge of yet another generation, and the game company will earn money to fuel their propaganda machine (tax free of course).

It's vital for the church to instill religion into the youth while their brain is still malleable and easily exploitable. Religious videogames provide the perfect opportunity for this form of child abuse.

And I suppose Harry Potter is just fine?
I'm just saying...
Very well put, this not about indoctrination its about fun, I tend to use veggie tales as a good example while it may be soaked in religious therom its crazy fun.

Same for most anything else modernly theological, its the nut cases on both sides that think its written in blood and and to be taken in literally...

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