AfterDawn: Tech news

Spotify coming to the U.S. with Android 2.1?

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 Jan 2010 1:13 User comments (1)

Spotify coming to the U.S. with Android 2.1?

The U.S. launch of Spotify was delayed in November after it was learned that the record labels wanted users to pay for the normally free ad-supported service, while Spotify wants it to remain free.
TechCrunch is reporting today that Spotify in the U.S. will indeed be free for users, but that it will be "limited" to a "very" few number of people.

More notably, TC says the company has been in talks with Google to launch the service built-in with Android 2.1, the firmware run by the upcoming Nexus One smartphone. The Nexus One is expected to launch tomorrow at a Google press conference. Google is said to have wanted Spotify integration so badly that it is willing to cover the $36-a-year fee the record labels want from each user.

We shall see tomorrow.

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1 user comment

17.1.2010 08:19

So the labels wanted users to pay for content with ads? Isn't that the purpose of ads, to make them money? I think blood is starting to shoot from my eyes. I am almost about ready to start feeling sorry for them. They got themselves into a corner and just keep backing in further and further with each decision. If I can offer anyone a good tip for the new year, it is to sell any stock you have in the entertainment industry, unless it is with individual artists/shows/etc, before the labels/RIAA/MPAA/etc go out in a blaze of glory. For the artists and fans.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 07 Jan 2010 @ 8:20

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