AfterDawn: Tech news

Chrome takes more browser market share from IE, FF

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 02 Mar 2010 7:21 User comments (8)

Chrome takes more browser market share from IE, FF BusinessInsider has posted their latest "Chart of the day," and today's shows how quickly Google's Chrome browser is taking market share from rivals Internet Explorer and Firefox.
The fast, popular browser, which has been out for 18 months and has no marketing campaign, has taken about 7 percent of the market, according to new StatCounter figures, taking share from its rivals.

In terms of growth, Chrome has grown from 4 percent in September to its current figure, while IE fell from 58 percent to 55 percent and FF fell from 31 and fractions to 31.

Safari continues to grow as well (slowly), at the expense of Opera and IE.

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8 user comments

12.3.2010 23:34

fastest browser doubt about it!

23.3.2010 00:50

I love Chrome but I also love Firefox for it's add-on capabilities.

I use Chrome (dev build) as my main browser and Firefox 3.6 for web development. I take advantage of SpeedTracer (Chrome add-on) but I also use about five different add-ons in Firefox for web development purposes.

I also use IE8 (shocking!) but only to make sure that the site I'm developing isn't broken by Microsoft's browser since it currently used by 22.52% of web surfers.

Basically it comes down to this:

Am I developing something that will be seen on the web? If so, I mainly use Firefox and IE8.

Any time that I'm on the web but not doing web development I use Chrome.

EDIT: Added the source of the "IE8 has usage 22.52%" information.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 03 Mar 2010 @ 12:53

33.3.2010 05:20

I know chrome is somewhat faster compared to firefox, but still i use firefox on a regular base.
I use chrome to check out different themes and addons and thats it, period

I think i am a fanboy of firefox.
lv u firefox.. :D

43.3.2010 07:26

Originally posted by platdream:
I know chrome is somewhat faster compared to firefox, but still i use firefox on a regular base.
I use chrome to check out different themes and addons and thats it, period

I think i am a fanboy of firefox.
lv u firefox.. :D
lol well as long as your not a fanboy that says all other browsers suck thats cool.i dont generally use add-ons so using firefox seems obsolete for me..and IE8 is just..yikes!

and what i really hate are govermental sites and old sites like the ministry of taxes and ministr that you cant view them properly using chrome cause they are so damn old..another reason to hate IE8
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 03 Mar 2010 @ 7:29

53.3.2010 10:55

I need this kind of bookmark layout, can chrome dose this yet?

64.3.2010 20:10

Fast ain't everything. If it doesn't block ads I'm not interested.

75.3.2010 01:10

Originally posted by avoidz:
Fast ain't everything. If it doesn't block ads I'm not interested.
Chrome does have a AdBlock extension. Check it out here. It's probably not as good as ABP but it's still a step in the right direction.

85.3.2010 05:23

Originally posted by avoidz:
Fast ain't everything. If it doesn't block ads I'm not interested.
Chrome does have a AdBlock extension. Check it out here. It's probably not as good as ABP but it's still a step in the right direction.
Thanks. I might take another look when the extension is more developed.

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