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Microsoft furious over Halo 2 leak

Written by James Delahunty @ 14 Oct 2004 8:35 User comments (24)

Microsoft furious over Halo 2 leak One of the years most eagerly awaited games Halo 2, leaked onto the net last night. It is thought to have first shown up on Usenet in the form of a French DVD ISO and is labeled something like, "Halo.2.DVD9.PAL.XBOXDVD-DiFFUSiON". Microsoft has vowed to "aggressively pursue" whoever leaked the game. "We are currently investigating the source of this leak with the appropriate authorities," Microsoft said in a statement, "Microsoft takes the integrity of its intellectual property extremely seriously, and we are aggressively pursuing the source of this illegal act. We consider downloading this code or making it available for others to download as theft."
Halo 2 will still ship around the world in the second week of November. Last year, the source code of Half Life 2 by Valve and subsequently a working beta of the game surfaced on the net, causing the official release date to be pushed back by as much as 12 months. Also, in the past year, Microsoft was shocked to discover that their NT/2000 source code had leaked onto the Internet.

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24 user comments

114.10.2004 13:01

great now I have to get my xbox modded sooner than I expected :p Also, in the past year, Microsoft was shocked to discover that their XP/NT source code had leaked onto the Internet. I thought it was NT/2000

214.10.2004 13:06

Great, just ruin a fucking great game for us. I'm not complaining about release groups releasing RELEASED GAMES, but for leaks and stuff. Sure, if it's a private beta, no problem, as the company actually made it a "beta", but if the company didn't even decide to release a "try-out" product to a small audience, why the fuck are you leaking it out. I'm actually quite pissed over this, PLUS the Half Life 2 incident.

314.10.2004 16:02

I'll bet this is either fake or it is a beta that isn't even fully compatible with the retail Xboxs (after all, the NTSC version comes out to retail first, you would think they would leak it first)

414.10.2004 16:41

It's real and apparently the guy was only able to leak the French PAL. No...we don't know why. also, its a dvd9 so you have to get a patch or whatever released by ind to make it dvd5 if u don't have dual-layer

514.10.2004 19:28

well would it be that hard? i guess the game went to the factory yesterday or the day before.... so if someone in the factory just kinda pocketed one..... would it be that hard? idk..... 26 DAYS 1 HR 32 MIN

614.10.2004 19:28

well would it be that hard? i guess the game went to the factory yesterday or the day before.... so if someone in the factory just kinda pocketed one..... would it be that hard? idk..... 26 DAYS 1 HR 32 MIN

715.10.2004 06:21

a friend of mine told me that he found Gta san adreas and Halo 2 over the Isp and i dont remember what other program did he mentioned could that be true?? Maria=)

815.10.2004 11:56

I thought it was NT/2000
Yes it was, sorry about that :-)
Great, just ruin a fucking great game for us. I'm not complaining about release groups releasing RELEASED GAMES, but for leaks and stuff. Sure, if it's a private beta, no problem, as the company actually made it a "beta", but if the company didn't even decide to release a "try-out" product to a small audience, why the fuck are you leaking it out. I'm actually quite pissed over this, PLUS the Half Life 2 incident.
huh? Why would this piss you off? If you dont want it dont download it! It's a competition, who gets it first, a sort of challange to the software companies. For example, if Valve employed good enough IT security experts, HL2 never would have leaked. I'm actually shocked that a few things like 1. the fact that they managed to actually break into a Valve network in the first place, 2, were able to located the needed parts of the game to put together a working copy and 3, that they then managed to transfer all that data without Valve even noticing. Do you think other gaming companies werent delighted when HL2 source leaked? I'd say they were the first there to download the source.But back to Halo 2, Bottom line is, Microsoft have enemies that they are making themselves, being granted rediculous patents, trying to corner the computer market using the law and waging an open battle against open-source etc. you dont play fair how do you expect the world to play fair with you?
a friend of mine told me that he found Gta san adreas and Halo 2 over the Isp and i dont remember what other program did he mentioned could that be true?? Maria=)
Halo 2 ye, San Andreas no, not that I've heard of anyways, but hey i could be wrong.

915.10.2004 12:06

huh? Why would this piss you off? If you dont want it dont download it! It's a competition, who gets it first, a sort of challange to the software companies. For example, if Valve employed good enough IT security experts, HL2 never would have leaked. I'm actually shocked that a few things like 1. the fact that they managed to actually break into a Valve network in the first place, 2, were able to located the needed parts of the game to put together a working copy and 3, that they then managed to transfer all that data without Valve even noticing.
They didn't do it all by themselves, someone at Valve helped them, and Gabe Newell fired a couple of Valve staff who were supposed to be involved with the leakage. Obviously, they never let that known publicly, but I was on a chatroom and a Valve offical said that. You could say the guy was bullshitting, but no one exactly objected to the idea directly... I'm pissed because when they leak, they have a chance to ruin the game. It's not like "!#@$@" pissed, it's more like "They killed the First Person Shooter genre with that crappy game" pissed. For example, how would you like it if your favourite artist's unfinished album was leaked, and it sounded horrible due to the fact their songs weren't even polished, resulting in a lot of non-fans shunning the band because of this single leak? Maybe it's just me.

1015.10.2004 12:51

well, all i can is, it is an inside job, it always has been and will continue to be. How do you think music (green day, The Used, etc.) albums, games (Doom 3, Halo 2) and OS's (LongHorn Beta) get "leaked" to the net (mostly IRC first).

1115.10.2004 13:38

They didn't do it all by themselves, someone at Valve helped them, and Gabe Newell fired a couple of Valve staff who were supposed to be involved with the leakage. Obviously, they never let that known publicly, but I was on a chatroom and a Valve offical said that. You could say the guy was bullshitting, but no one exactly objected to the idea directly...
Ive heard all the stories there is to hear, even the ones that said valve leaked it cause they needed an excuse to put the release date back yet again, but the only opfficial thing i read was they were hacxked, game was stolen, some guys were arrested.
For example, how would you like it if your favourite artist's unfinished album was leaked, and it sounded horrible due to the fact their songs weren't even polished, resulting in a lot of non-fans shunning the band because of this single leak?
Well anyone dumb enuff to rate someones work that has been leaked unfinished should be shot. I often heard bootlegs of unreleased stuff where you cant tell the difference between the drums and the guitar, thats how bad it gets but id never dream of rating the artist because some guy recorded it really crappy. On another note, if a "single" was leaked unfinished and sounded terrible, then ud have to question how good the music is, is it just computers or is there actually any talent? etc. if u get my point!

1215.10.2004 14:02

EVEN though its leaked, its hard to find, isn't it??

1315.10.2004 16:48

apparently it's hard to find for you lol and the music thing was a pretty bad analogy :p

1415.10.2004 19:17

"Microsoft has discovered that their NT/2000 has a leak in source code" , Hmmmmm... and their just find this out, amazing! well if halo 2 leaks my way I'll just let it pee on through.Hey Tolietman you should like leaks because your a toliet and halo 2 is leaking right now for you.How can you ruin a game because it came out early it's not a movie, it's a frickin game.

1515.10.2004 19:23

As far as I'm concerned about this, Microsoft should be mad, Because the new windows still sucks just like all other windows products.XP is a joke with all the security holes even with SP2.Windows leaks,pisses and shits.This should motivate microsoft to make better products that people are spend 3 to 5 hundred dollars for.

1616.10.2004 01:02

hijacker: [QUOTE] Windows leaks,pisses and shits. [/QUOTE] If M$ are so bad, surely you wouldn't be using their OS, their browser or any of there apps. Is this the case? =P

1716.10.2004 09:14

How can you ruin a game because it came out early it's not a movie, it's a frickin game.
That's the point. It's not a game yet, they haven't "golded" it.

1816.10.2004 21:47

it is a matter what u say I want to see it just for the graphical value if I "were to get it" :p I would not play single player because like bungie said...they don't want u to spoil the awsomeness of the final release..(English audio) so it's not "golded" it's just english --grunt speaking french--

1917.10.2004 21:23

We'll that just my opinion on windows anyway,Hey how much choice do you really have with an OS.Not a lot.Anyhow Doom 3 leaked out along time ago and I never heard of people complaining even though it was just a "teaser".Even if a game leaked out you would still just have a taste of what it's like.I just don't understand why all the frustration.I guess I'm not one for looking for leaked game on the internet.So I don't feel the heartache.Sure it make be some bunk version that doesn't mean that is a ruin game more or less it may be a beta version of the game.For newbie dude,yes I have windows doesn't mean I like it.But windows has it's flaw even with SP2 it's still got issues.

2018.10.2004 11:17 just called and then they hung up after I told them to was a long wait but w/e o_O Will edit once I find out what it was about....... yes...there is a reason why I'm putting this in here :/

2120.10.2004 08:05

All i can say is HAHA Microsoft. Who cares. All these people bitching about 'Oh they ruined the game' just dont download it. I read somewhere that MS said that it wasnt playable online... crap... people are already playing it (systemlink) via tunneling programs. Yes it's a french version, but the story is subtitled. so hats off to the french!

2220.10.2004 12:17

They ruined the game for the people who ARE downloading it. Don't like fighting? Go and stand in the middle of No Man's Land and see wave a Greenpeace flag... in this case, that's what you're suggesting.

2321.10.2004 14:38

that was fun! when does halo 3 come out? ;)

2422.10.2004 19:57

Oh, wow, is it the first time or we've never seen leaks? Is this Jesus second time coming or what? Come on people, wake up!!! If you are in the software business, please don't be too surprised if you find crackz, donwloads, hacks for yr programe on the internet.It's the nature, tough shit. you don't do it, somebody would, always. And please don't be surpised too if you got pregnant without using contraceptive.

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