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Microsoft still looking at HD-DVD support for Xbox360

Written by Lasse Penttinen @ 29 Jun 2005 11:33 User comments (5)

Microsoft still looking at HD-DVD support for Xbox360 It is official that the Xbox360 will initially ship with a regular DVD drive, while Sony PlayStation 3 is about to adopt next generation Blu-ray format from the start. Recently there has been some talks and a lot of speculation about the united future of HD-DVD and Blu-ray.
While the talks are still going on, Microsoft has decided to takes sides. Even though Xbox360 will ship with plain old DVD, they are looking to support in the future.
Bill Gates’ statement that Microsoft is studying the possibility of adopting the HD-DVD for its Xbox 360 is surely very flattering for Toshiba, but in the same time it could jeopardize the gaming console’s sales.

The new console from Microsoft, awaited by the gamers with more interest than the winter holidays (when the launch date is set), could experience a sales fiasco if the fans decide to wait for the HD-DVD model.
Source: Softpedia

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5 user comments

129.6.2005 11:47

You Know Something, I think releasing HD-DVD and Blu-Ray can jeopardize the whole sales period, Man When DVD's got released, People were still using VHS, and now people recently are leaving VHS for DVD's now, it took a long while to get off VHS, it took 5 years for people to get into DVD's now and now they are deciding to release this stuff? Come On I think it's too soon, DVD's ain't even that old, VHS was around since like the 80's I think or longer, why do this now? Why? that's my opinion on How I feel about this whole HD-DVD and Blu-Ray thing, we are just starting to get into DVD's now and I think it's too soon

229.6.2005 12:09

HAHA!!! i knew 360 would support HD-DVD. But for them to ship with a regular DVD will be pretty hard on them. I wonder for the people who by the 1st versions, is there going to be some kinda swapout special available to them. It doesn't take too much to put support for the drives. All they would need to do is unplug the old one and put in the new. I guess they are not too concerned about the different drives. Who know, if could be a way for XBOX to make even more money. For all the guys who bought the first versions, they could send it in, for a minimal fee and maybe even get a special edition drive. Wouldn't that be nice >;)

35.8.2005 01:11

ano a sound reli dum but wots a hd-dvd please

45.8.2005 13:44

Remember when the first x-box was coming out... It "was going to have a Progressive-scan dvd player", then boom... regular dvd.. Now look at this.. "was going to have HD-DVD" and now boom... regular dvd. Does this all seem sort of silly that they can't make up their minds about what technology they want to support? Don't forget what the ps/2 did for people wanting Progressive scan dvd when that came out. I imagine sony will do the same thing for blu-ray so that would be my bet to be the eventual winner in that war.. but then again... remember beta.....

518.8.2005 09:04

I hadn't known that the high-def DVD formats had made some sort of anti-piracy decision to REQUIRE HDMI output until yesterday. Adding either drive to the Xbox360 would either require Microsoft to only route HD video through a new HDMI port or come up with a way to appease the copyright owners who sent high-def component output down the path to oblivion. Since appeasement probably won't work and HDMI is useless to me, I'm now out of the Xbox360 market due to nothing new enough to plop down their asking price. If only it mattered to the people who make these decisions that huge numbers of HDMI-less HDTVs are out here, and they aren't going to be thrown away for a long time...

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