AfterDawn: Tech news

Windows Genuine Advantage beaten again

Written by James Delahunty @ 29 Jul 2005 7:30 User comments (31)

Windows Genuine Advantage beaten again Windows Genuine Advantage is Microsoft's latest tool in their fight against users who pirate their software. It requires users to check their key using an ActiveX control on the Microsoft download sites before they can get what they are looking for. If running a legit copy, it takes you to the download, if you are running a pirate copy; you are given options to report the source of the copy. You may also be entitled to a free copy or discounted.
But for pirates it must come as great news that Windows Genuine Advantage has in fact been cracked already. It is described as a simple one line hack that turns off the trigger for the key check, allowing users to bypass the test and go straight to a download. This news comes weeks after an Indian man figured out how to use Windows Genuine Advantage to produce legitimate CD keys for Windows XP and XP Pro.

More information on the little hack can be found here. All the user is required to do is paste something into their address bar to bypass the security check. It is important to mention once again that security updates are not included in the mandatory test.

The Register
Boing Boing

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31 user comments

129.7.2005 07:35

Can someone PM me with more info as I am doing some....ummmm...research.

229.7.2005 07:38

Wish the same trick worked for the IE7 Beta, the WGA check is in the middle of installation after download.

329.7.2005 07:55

McBrat: Check the highlighted HERE above and I think it will help in your "research". I know it did in mine.

429.7.2005 08:02

Hmmm...the "here" does not show up at the page I am looking at. It says "More information on the little hack can be found ." Odd. Anyway, problem solved...should have googled it before asking. Thx.

529.7.2005 08:23

Why don't they write an O/S that works from day 1. Doesn't require 3 years of patches/Service Packs and re-installs. And doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buy? I WANT to use a PC - it doesn't follow that I WANT to use Windows! I am happy to pay £30-£40 for an O/S that needs fixes on a Monthly basis - but not £200 - we aren't all made of money.

629.7.2005 08:45

MS are plain and simply stupid...can someone plz tell me again why there the biggest selling software manufacturer. "Low quality software at mega high prices" that should be there tag line

729.7.2005 09:04

I heard you can only crack it by using FireFox or a non-ActiveX Control browser, but when you try to go to the windows update site with MozFF, it says you must use IE...what am I missing here?

829.7.2005 09:52

Here is a link, that u all might be really intereted in. Enjoy!! Copy & paste in url.

929.7.2005 11:18

AHAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! Yet, again, you can't stop ingenuity. Have something that you say if full proof, it only takes a matter of time to get past it. Oddly enough, you would think they would have figured this one out already. But I guess there are somethings companies have to learn the hard way. ;)

1029.7.2005 11:54

Why don't they write an O/S that works from day 1. Doesn't require 3 years of patches/Service Packs and re-installs. And doesn't cost an arm and a leg to buy? I WANT to use a PC - it doesn't follow that I WANT to use Windows! I am happy to pay £30-£40 for an O/S that needs fixes on a Monthly basis - but not £200 - we aren't all made of money.
If you feel tech savvy enough, you should try out Linux. Very stable and many (probably most) good distributions are free.

1129.7.2005 12:40

LOL Well that solves my updating problem..........

1229.7.2005 16:33

@nonoitall I have used Linux - and it is good - but untill there is DirectX in there/DirectX emulation/Linux based installs for all games or OpenGL on all games I am screwed. That only works on SP2 - if you are using SP1 like me try this lets you update via FireFox or Opera - I think it works on XP2 as well. Or... which should patch SP1 and SP2 without even needing an internet connection.

1329.7.2005 21:20

24 hours..LOL! That has to be a record!

1430.7.2005 05:58

MS are plain and simply stupid...can someone plz tell me again why there the biggest selling software manufacturer.
MS believes that by offering XP at a free / discounted price that people will in fact buy it. Good marketing strategy actually. This isn't really meant to contend with pirating but advertisment to buy the real thing. Even if this raises their XP sales by even 1%-2%, thats a huge difference in their bottom line. As a person who's been using ms products since Dos 5.0, I knew this workaround / crack would happen. Now, it's just a matter of time that when 99% of all pc's are connected to the net and that you have to validate your pc everytime you login via Microsoft. When that happens, there might be a workaround.
"Low quality software at mega high prices" that should be there tag line
I'm about half and half on this one. Yea, I agree their software has bugs and issues, but they have some of the most intuitive ideas implimented. Such as small thing as the right click and brings up a menu option. We take that for granted. Same thing with DirectX. Its a great idea to be able to have any (or several) program(s) talk to the directX drivers, and then the directX talks to the main drivers., but just a lil buggy. I remember Windows 95 and how easy it was to setup TCP/IP networking with a friend. Intuitive. IMO, the BIGGEST flaw with the OS is the registry. It gets too big and corrupt very quickly. BTW here's another way.. ;o)

1530.7.2005 08:13

That's absolutely brilliant. So when the actual thing is installed and checks the PC code it doesn't actually interfere with your O/S - it just stops you doing any updates? I thought it might do some nast disable crap and you end up re-installing the whole thing. As far as the other comment goes - I agree - it isn't the fact that Windows (XP especially) is crap - if Linux was on as many PC's imagine how many issues would crop up. It's testament to Microsoft that as many PC's in the world run using Windows considering the common sence of the average user. I think it is the fact that if you want a PC that will run every game/application off the shelf you HAVE to use Windows - like it or not. And then have to pay through the nose for it. They would save a lot of hassle in the longrun by making the next O/S cheaper. More people will be inclined to pay £40 even £50 or £60 - but £200+! Forget it I am not paying it. Thing that annoys me is that an XP install is about 2GB. It takes them about four years or so to develop them. Look at Half Life2 or Doom3. 4/5 years in development - 3Gb install - costs £30/£40. So the price doesn't appear to link to the development or size of program - more the fact it is an O/S so charge what you like. Considering the ammount of sales a new O/S generates - they will still make an absolute fortune selling at this price and can stop wasting funds on Anti Piracy. The last thing that really bugs me about Windows is that to make your PC into something really useful 90% of it is 3rd party software - lots of it freeware. If only Linux could get some way of getting DirectX into it. Or persuade Games manufacturers to code in D3D and OpenGL on every game. I wonder how many copied versions of 95 and 98 put PC's into the home - made the PC what it is today - and hence made Microsoft what it is today - short memories. At least give the user a choice. This could go on and I will stop.

1630.7.2005 11:14

What would be really nice is if software developers would actually start developing for more than one platform. Porting code can be hard, but takes nowhere near as much time as the original development does, and it would broaden their target market. I agree that's probably a big reason Linux hasn't quite caught on as a standard for everyday computing yet. For people who are content to surf the web, listen to music, watch video and do other "average" computer stuff, though, Linux is actually a good alternative to Windows. Needs some help in the game department though.

1730.7.2005 13:32

exactly why i won't use it. half my (extremely large) game collection would be useless on linux

1831.7.2005 14:49

Nothing, not even apple can contend w/MS Windows. Compatibily, rich features...

1931.7.2005 23:12

i just skimmed over this and i dont think anyones mentioned this... you can simply disable the 'genuine advantage' check in IE's tools menu...

201.8.2005 00:35

get it from pirate bay it works ok i have instaled it

211.8.2005 00:37

get it from pirate bay it works ok i have instaled it

221.8.2005 05:13


231.8.2005 21:21

Buxton: hey, you said you'd be willing to pay 40 or 50 pnds for XP but notr 200 pnd.....??.... well... or if u get here before 530pm pacific time (GMT -8 hrs) I sure wouldnt pay no 200 pnd (almost 400 U.S.D) either.... if them above links won't sell you one for 60 pnd I sure will (and to your little friends as well lol) ;o)

242.8.2005 09:36

I thought XP was $100 USD and $200 for Pro...

252.8.2005 10:24

depends, I just saw XP Pro (upgrade) at Costco for $140 I think

262.8.2005 11:23


272.8.2005 12:52

please shut up toppy.

282.8.2005 20:51

lol i didnt mean to start an advert war... or spam. :P

298.8.2005 05:01

I have problems with Service Pack 2. That installation program checks my windows and it doesn't pass. So do you know how to bypass that problem?

308.8.2005 14:24

get a keygen.

3118.1.2008 22:52

Make your XP genuine

This program will allow you to make your illegal copy of windows xp genuine,so you can go to the microsoft website and download stuff .

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