He also praised Sony for getting development hardware to partners long before the scheduled launch of the PS3 in November. "Developers now have final hardware in their hands, though there will be some upgrades to the operating system - there's nothing unusual about that," he explained. "The new controller is now in developers' hands, so all the pieces of the puzzle are there."
Studios are now also able to run their games off discs, as the shipping of Blu-ray burners to developers has been accomplished. Obviously the picture Harrison would paint of the PS3 situation would look good for Sony considering his position, but to back up the hype, Epic Games boss Mark Rein has recently made comments to Eurogamer TV.
"I think Sony's in a good spot with the PlayStation 3," he said. "I know we're getting some great results with it back at our house, so I would expect other developers will be as well." He also said that Sony is in a better place now than Microsoft was last year having shipped the final PS3 hardware to developers around E3. "Developers did not have finished Xbox 360 hardware last year at E3" he said.