According to the sources, the dogs sniffed out over 300,000 pirated discs in the first hour alone.
Neil Gane, the MPAA's international senior director of operations, stated that "Lucky and Flo will be here for a considerable amount of time and we will be going all over Manila, and we are also contemplating going all over the Philippines."
"As you can see, the dogs have been very, very effective."
After the dogs helped seize millions of dollars of pirated discs in Malaysia and the bounties were placed on their heads, the dogs went into a protection program of sorts before they were recently moved to the Philippines.
However, in a shocking turn of events, Malaysian pirates, in an effort to make back the money they lost due to the dogs, have increased their porn productions and many of the new discs include child pornography.
"The pirates make more money selling pornographic discs," said Fahmi Kassim, chief enforcement officer at Johor's domestic trade ministry.
"What is disturbing is this growing proof that the piracy syndicates are working with the pornographic industry, especially when the seized items now include child pornography," stated Mr. Gane.
Although you cant directly blame the MPAA for creating an increase in Malaysian child pornogrpahy, one could now argue so.