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Blockbuster kiosks expand to Kwik Trip stores

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 May 2010 9:44 User comments (3)

Blockbuster kiosks expand to Kwik Trip stores Blockbuster, which has over 6000 "Express" kiosks, has announced that they are expanding to Kwik Trip convenience stores starting this week.
The Express kiosks will now be placed in 300 of the convenience stores in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

NCR, the company which operates the kiosks, says it hopes to expand to 10,000 kiosks in operation by July, in an effort to compete against RedBox, which has over 25,000 kiosks currently operating across the nation.

A few months ago, Blockbuster acquired small kiosk maker DVDPlay, allowing for an expansion into the west coast, most notably in California, Denver and Chicago.

In March, the rental company announced it had reached a deal with Warner Bros. to have new Warner releases available for rental day-and-day with release date, and a full 28 days before rivals Redbox and Netflix get them. That deal does not expand to the Express kiosks, however.

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3 user comments

113.5.2010 23:27

wow blockbuster cant beat netflix or redbox by stealing their idea's as well as getting first dibs on new releases. Wow i guess if u cant beat'em join'em or steal their idea lol.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 13 May 2010 @ 11:28

214.5.2010 12:55

Who cares about Blockbuster? I want a Kwik Trip...

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 14 May 2010 @ 12:57

314.5.2010 17:09

Is this Kwik Trip the same as QT or Quick Trip. Here in Arizona QTs are taking over. If Blockbuster or Redbox haven't picked up the QTs out here it would be wise to do so.

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