AfterDawn: Tech news

Google, YouTube sued over H.264-related patent

Written by James Delahunty @ 12 Dec 2014 7:11 User comments (1)

Google, YouTube sued over H.264-related patent

Max Sound Corp has sued Google and its YouTube subsidiary for patent infringement relating to streaming H.264/AVC video content.
It filed a lawsuit in the District Court of Mannheim, Germany against Google Inc in the United States, Google Commerce Ltd, in Dublin, Ireland, Google Germany in Hamburg and YouTube LLC in San Bruno, USA. At the center of the lawsuit is the EU 2 026 277 patent, held by Max Sound Corp.

"Max Sound Corp. claims that all products on the market that use the format H.264 for video compression infringe the asserted patent," a press release reads.

"This allegation comprises, in particular, current versions of the Google operating system Android, which is installed on many mobile phones and tablet devices. The complaint addresses the current Google Products: Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 Chromebook and Chromecast."

Max Souhnd Corp also alleges that Google's YouTube video service infringes its patent. Max Sound requests information about profits and damages for each video streamed to Germany in one of the relevant formats.

It expects the case to come to a ruling in less than 12 months.

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1 user comment

113.12.2014 12:55

I believe this to be true. If so then Google will be paying up hardcore.

Google will likely be getting "googled" for this one.

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