RIAA.org hacked again

Lasse Penttinen
12 Jan 2003 11:56

Hackers are having fun with the RIAA. This time their site was hacked to promote file sharing tools, such as eMule and Kazaa.

-RIAA - 0wn3d by.... ;p
-oooh riaa want's to hack Filesharing -Users / Servers ? - better learn to secure your own server...
-Sorry Admin - had to deactivate ur accounts - they'll be reactivated after 2 hours
-greetz : Rage_X, BRAiNBUG, SyzL0rd, BSJ, PsychoD + all the others who want to stay anonymous :]
-wanna contact ? mailto:h4x0r0815@mail.ru

You can have a look at the hacked RIAA.org HERE

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