Over 40 million software downloads

Petteri Pyyny
4 Aug 2005 23:46

Over 40 million software downloads

We just noticed this morning that our software download counters had hit the 40 million milestone last night, marking yet another small milestone on our long, long journey. Comparing the latest milestone of 40M to the previous one I wrote about -- the 25M download milestone back in last September -- shows that our software section has become more and more popular. Currently we serve over 1.6M software downloads each month (that's almost 40 downloads every single minute).

Anyway, this is once again one of those moments that I'd like to thank all of our users, people who recommend our site to their friends, people who link to our site, people who contribute to our forums, software reviews, etc. You're the guys who truly make our site what it is -- a place with wealth of information and a place that is nice to visit again and again :-)

-Petteri Pyyny
AfterDawn Ltd

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