Low sales slows down UMD movie market

Matti Robinson
18 Feb 2006 15:51

Many notable movie production companies including Paramount Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video and of course Sony Pictures Home Entertainment were ready to swear in the name of the Universal Media Disc. However, now that the sale of UMD movies has dropped down the question is, were the companies supporting UMD almost unwillingly right after all?
The earlier mentioned giants of the industry are now cutting the production of UMD movies due to the fact that people obviously aren't ready to pay for a portable-only version of movies. Even Sony has slowed down on releasing action and horror movies, as they can't get their sales up to numbers even comparable to movies of comedy genre.

Sony, still devoted to UMD, is going to trying a consept of selling UMD movies with DVD releases. These bundles will have an average price of just under $30.
Even though piracy of DVD movies has clearly brought UMD down far from it's believed potential, Sony is yet to throw all the work away, it has announced that it'll release an adapter that'll let you play UMDs from PSP in a television.


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