Vivid Entertainment to sell DVD downloads

James Delahunty
3 Apr 2006 14:22

Adult film company Vivid Entertainment is to start selling pornographic DVDs as downloads over the Internet. The service is interesting in that the customer is buying the actual "DVD" - it is just being delivered completely through the net. When the download has finished, a Digital Rights Managements (DRM) protection kicks in and allows it to be burned to disc only one time. Everything that is on the retail disc (menus etc.) is included with the download and the prices are around the same (like buying online without a delivery charge).
The service will initially start with about 30 DVDs on offer. However, taking a few moments to think about it, some questions are easily raised. Firstly, since the DRM will only allow it to be burned once, what will happen if the burning process is interrupted resulting in a defective burn? Another interesting question is will there be any copy protection on the resulting DVD stopping it from simply being ripped unprotected to a HDD?

Even with these issues in mind, it is another step in selling digital content online. It's likely that the rest of the adult industry and the major movie studios will keep an eye on how this service evolves.

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