Vista DRM broken?

James Delahunty
31 Jan 2007 15:33

We wrote an article lately on the criticism Microsoft has received for its Digital Rights Management (DRM) included in the Windows Vista operating system that intends to make life harder for pirates. Unfortunately, as DRM has shown us in the past, these kind of restrictions hurt honest consumers every single day too.
Alex Ionescu, has written on his blog that he has produced code that could be used to bypass Vista's DRM. He did not publish the code but he promised in a later post he will publish some form of "safe, generic, proof of concept code that targets what I believe is a flaw in the Code Integrity/Driver Signing model."

As for credibility, it helps to know that Alex is a Microsoft Student Ambassador. These students are described as "the most talented students from around the world for their dedication, passion and involvement with Microsoft." This is likely to only be the first attack on the operating system's unwanted extras as hackers will line-up and take the challenge.
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