Indiana video game bill moving forward

James Delahunty
20 Feb 2007 15:28

Even though a bill proposing gaming regulations was stalled in Indiana before legislators could vote on it last year, lawmakers are once again proposing restrictions on video game sales. Senators David C. Ford (Republican) and Vi Simpson (Democrat) have introduced a bill that would ban the sale of video games with an M (Mature) or AO (Adult Only) rating to minors.
This week, the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Technology recommended it be passed by the Senate in a 5-2 vote. Before voting, committee members had been shown controversial footage from video games, that reportedly included characters "urinating on victims and setting them on fire" and "gunning down people in a church."

Another video game rewarded achievements by showing footage of strippers. A representative of the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) argued before the committee that the bill was unconstitutional like many others struck down across the United States. In response, Ford said he would continue work on the bill to make it constitutional.

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