Sirius and XM hit with patent infringement lawsuit

James Delahunty
20 Mar 2007 19:03

Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio have both been sued by Austin, Texas-based company Keystone Autonics, for alleged patent infringement. Keystone Autonics claims that both radio companies are using technology taken directly from patents it owns. Sirius and XM are already experiencing several problems, which include the RIAA and critics of their proposed merger.
The patent in question was awarded to George Hindman of Keystone Autonics in January. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is also clashing with the pair over a bill the trade group supports that would prevent users from being able to locally store and record songs aired over satellite radio.

Sirius and XM have previously agreed to merge in a $13 billion agreement, but have met opposition from several sources including the FCC, which indicated the companies would have a hard time getting that deal through and that an approval would be unlikely.

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