Dave Horvath
10 Apr 2007 6:45
It seems the masses will not be content at letting the movie studios deny them the ability to back up their high-definition content as the DRM scheme AACS has once again been exploited. This time, the clever bunch of hackers have exposed the Volume ID any disk inserted into the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive.
Any disk means just that, any disk. Even disks that have had their volume ID previously put on the hot list of the AACS LA (Licensing Authority) will not escape the scrutiny of this exploit. Couple this with the exposed processing keys and you would be able to backup your media for playback on whatever device you choose. This all comes about just one week after WinDVD released and update that was supposed to strengthen AACS efforts but instead, as many expected, became utterly useless.
Of course, this update is only good news for those out there who own an Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive, but its still good news for things to come.