James Delahunty
26 Apr 2007 10:29
As many of you may have read in the past couple of days, it seems that Jeanl has stopped the development of the excellent tools FixVTS and MenuShrink. MenuShrink can convert a motion menu to a still menu and keep all functionality, which helps greatly with backups on single layer DVDs. FixVTS skims through a DVD-Video compilation and adjusts it to better compliance, which fixed many problem while opening files with DVD Shrink and other tools.
The homepage for the tools (hosted by Videohelp.com) seems to have disappeared and there is no real explanation for the halting of development. However, it seems very likely that some of our favorite DRM companies may have been behind this, which followed the development halt of RipIt4Me. Sooner or later the details will emerge and we will know who to blame for a cheap shot against a developer of open source tools.
The source of both tools has been published so development of either can be picked up by anybody willing. Of course, you get your FixVTS and MenuShrink downloads right here at AfterDawn, as neither tool can be considered as capable of circumventing copy protection.
Download FixVTS v1.603 from:
Download MenuShrink v2.41 from:
Thank you Jeanl for your contribution to the community.
Videohelp Forum Thread