Samsung turns phone into video workstation

Rich Fiscus
19 Jul 2007 7:17

Samsung is releasing a new phone in Sourth Korea which will have not only a video camera, but also basic video editing capabilities.
The SCH-B750, which will also have a built in mobile TV receiver, will not only be able to create videos, but will also be capable of uploading them to video sharing sites.

The video camera will create videos at a resolution of 352x288 with internal editing features that include adding captions and audio. It also boasts a 8GB internal hard drive as well as accepting MicroSD flash memory cards. In addition, it boasts TV out capabilities.
The display swivels 90 degrees, making the phone appear feel more like a camera, and it's even being marketed as a "Camcorder Phone."

It will be sold through SK Telecom and will cost around 600,000 won ($655).

Sources: Yahoo News, I4U News

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