Woolworths goes Blu-ray exclusive as well

Andre Yoskowitz
27 Jul 2007 8:08

In what seems to be a popular trend, the popular UK retailer Woolworths has decided to move to Blu-ray exclusivity in time for the Christmas rush. The move mirrors that of Blockbuster, Target and BJ's.
According to Playthree.net, a store manager at a local Woolworths confirmed the move when confronted about a new, large Blu-ray display standing prominently in the store.

The store manager mentioned that although sales of both formats were very slow, since the European launch of the PlayStation 3, Blu-ray sales had slowly and gradually kept increasing and that the company now hoped to have Blu-ray displays in all of its best selling retail stores. The expense of moving towards Blu-ray? Woolworths will be dropping its HD DVD line completely before Christmas.

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