Sony brings SACD to car stereos

James Delahunty
31 Jul 2007 18:52

Sony brings SACD to car stereos

Sony Corp. has made some changes to its Xplod head units through the XAV-W1 which may bring joy to some customers. In a first, the W1 is a Super AudioCD (SACD) player and the first large visual jukebox designed for a car by the company. Owners with compatible audio systems can listen to music in 5.1 surround. Stereo audio is available for regular CD audio and digital files (MP3, WMA etc.)

The optical disc drive also supports the DVD format, making it possible watch DVD-Video titles on the unit's 7-inch built in touchscreen. A user can also connect an iPod or add tuners for HD Radio or Satellite Radio. The system should become available this month for $800.

Super AudioCD (SACD) is an optical audio storage standard that competes against DVD-Audio in a format war in the market for higher-fidelity digital audio than that provided by regular CD Audio. SACD has a huge advantage in that most SACD titles are hybrid discs capable of also being played in a regular CD player.


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