Microsoft experiences Xbox Live problems over holidays

James Delahunty
4 Jan 2008 17:02

Microsoft experiences Xbox Live problems over holidays

Users of Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox Live service have been reporting performance problems over the holiday weeks. The service, which offers downloadable games, multiplayer gaming and Movie/TV Show downloads, was suffering due to record breaking traffic and new member sign-ups, according to Marc Whitten, general manager of Xbox Live. "We are disappointed in our performance," Whitten wrote on the Xbox 360 support web site.
The issues reported by users included problems connecting to the Xbox Live service, downloading multimedia content and establishing connections with other users of the service for multiplayer gaming. The company has not publicly detailed the exact problems with the service, nor has it given any information on how it has addressed the issues.

Xbox Live members will be offered a free game download as an apology from Microsoft for the issues. It is unknown what the game Title will be, but it will be available from the Xbox Live Arcade. According to figures released by Microsoft, the Xbox 360 has sold more than 17.7 million units worldwide since its November 2005 debut.
Yahoo (AP)

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