Hauppauge shows its 'HD PVR'

James Delahunty
11 Jan 2008 18:36

Hauppauge shows its 'HD PVR'

Hauppauge Digital, Inc. demonstrated at CES 2008 for the first time their "HD PVR", a USB Personal Video Recorder which can record high definition TV video into H.264 in real time. The HD PVR can connect to high definition cable TV or satellite TV set top box receivers, and uses its on-board H.264 hardware encoder to record high definition TV programs in an ISO standard HD H.264 AVC format in real time.

The connections to the set top boxes are made via component cables, or the RGB connectors on HD set top boxes. The HD PVR includes a video player application which allows the recorded TV programs to be played back on a PC screen. To enable automatic recording of TV programs, the HD PVR recorder includes Hauppauge's IR Blaster, which controls the channels on most popular cable and satellite TV set top boxes in North America and Europe.

In addition to high definition ISO standard H.264 recordings, the Hauppauge HD PVR can also create AVCHD recordings, which is the format used on Blu-ray high definition players. As part of the software applications which will be shipped with Hauppauge's HD encoder, a DVD burning application will be provided which can take AVCHD formatted recordings and burn them onto a conventional DVD disc.

The HD PVR will be available in Q1 2008, with a suggested retail price of $249.

Press Release

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