Fake media files hit file sharers with trojan

Dave Horvath
8 May 2008 12:36

Fake media files hit file sharers with trojan

Sources from the security firm McAfee have stated that over 500,000 machines have reported being infected by a new trojan going around that's disguised as media files shared on popular P2P networks. These files can either look like a popular and heavily seeded music or movie file and often contain the name of whatever popular file is going around the P2P networks now is actually a trojan loaded with tons of malware packages to make a file sharer's day a lot less enjoyable.

McAfee states that this fake file outbreak is the worst that its seen in three years. Users who get attacked by the fake file are treated to an array of pop-ups and open back doors to the world for their computers to be compromised. These files are mostly predominant on the eDonkey and Limewire networks and are often labeled with a different language to confuse users. The titles make the file appear to be music tracks, pornography and full versions of popular movies. Once downloaded, the user is asked to install a specific codec to view the media, and its then that the trojan is launched.

Included in the bundled of malware from this package is a media player that will only play included media files, thereby disabling any other media player or media files on the user's machine from being played. McAfee stated that of the 500,000 cases it's seen, only 10% of those have gone as far as installing the malicious package.

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