Google rejected on 'Nexus One' trademark

Andre Yoskowitz
18 Mar 2010 22:38

Google rejected on 'Nexus One' trademark

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has denied Google's application to trademark "Nexus One."

For Google, the rejection is not yet final, giving the search giant a chance to submit more evidence as well as new arguments.

"Registration of the applied-for mark is refused because of a likelihood of confusion with the mark in U.S. Registration No. 3554195,"
wrote the USPTO.

No. 3554195 is a trademark of the word "Nexus" that was registered years ago by Integra Telecom, an 11-state wireline phone provider.

For their part, Integra thanked the USPTO for protecting its trademark and says they hope to work out a deal with Google. Adds John Nee, Integra's vice president of corporate communications: "Google hasn't contacted us since the PTO issued its objection but we hope we can work together to achieve our respective business goals."

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