65,000 Android phones shipping daily

Andre Yoskowitz
15 May 2010 14:30

65,000 Android phones shipping daily

According to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, 65,000 smartphones running the Android operating system are shipped everyday now, showing continued strong growth for the OS which launched in late 2008.

The OS is used on 34 different mobile devices in 50 countries, he adds.

"It looks like Android is going to be either the number one or number two player" in the smartphone market, Schmidt said during the shareholders meeting.
Schmidt also adds that the 65,000 figure may be conservatively low: "Our partners are shipping about 65,000 Android handsets per day but if you check the blogosphere you'll discover there are some reports that that number might be quite low."

Major rival Apple, which only sells one smartphone (the iPhone), had about 8.75 million units sold in the last quarter, so the 65,000 a day figure would put the two companies almost on par.

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