Android Google Maps 5 will add 3D, offline caching

Andre Yoskowitz
7 Dec 2010 20:18

Android Google Maps 5 will add 3D, offline caching

Andy Rubin, VP of Engineering at Google and head of the Android project has revealed an updated version of Google Maps this week, version 5.

GM5 will be released "in a matter of days," and most Android users should be able to download it, free, at that point.

Coming with the Maps update will be the end of tiling, which Unwired explains "essentially involves stitching several flat images or maps together and can wreak havoc on map loading times."
GM5 will use vectors, which brings the ability to see maps in 3D. For anyone who has used Google Earth on their Android device knows, Maps will now let you tilt and rotate any map with your fingers.

Equally as notably is the addition of offline caching, making those long trips to areas with data deadzones less scary. Besides keeping the map/route on file, the offline cache will also be able to reroute if you miss that exit and don't have continuous data.

The update will be available for all Android devices with 2.2, and possibly for all with 2.1, as well.

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Android Android 2.2 Google Maps 5