Verizon drops price of Galaxy Tab to $500

Andre Yoskowitz
3 Jan 2011 1:16

Verizon drops price of Galaxy Tab to $500

Verizon has dropped the price of the Samsung Galaxy Tab from $600 to $500, putting a pretty significant price gap between the tablet and even the cheapest iPad with 3G access, which retails for $630.

Furthermore, all new Verizon Galaxy Tabs will come with a $60 Samsung MediaHub voucher, giving owners a chance to rent a large amount of movies through the service for free.

Other carriers have been offering the voucher with purchases for the better part of a month.

If you purchased a Tab within the last two weeks, you can bring in the receipt and receive a $100 refund, as well, says the company.

Samsung's tablet runs on Android 2.2, has a 1GHz processor, a 7-inch multi-touch screen and dual cameras.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab tablets