Gaming headed to Apple TV with iOS 4.3?

Andre Yoskowitz
11 Feb 2011 13:31

Gaming headed to Apple TV with iOS 4.3?

Multiple sources are reporting today that Apple's upcoming iOS 4.3 might bring gaming to the Apple TV, expanding the practically useless "Game Center" introduced with iOS 4.

In the 4.3 code, there are references to "ATVThunder" and "ATVGames," each of which point to scheduling of games, leaderboards sortable by date, the streaming of live/archived games, and a new storefront (likely similar to iTunes).

Because the Apple TV only has 8GB of internal memory, streaming seems the only way to play games via the set-top.

Furthermore, there are references to streaming like "Sedona" and "Flagstaff." Sedona is Apple's video rental mechanism, explains TUAW, who speculates the rentals will turn to streaming, for movies/TV/games.

Finally, the code references FEATURE_REMOTE_SCREENSAVER, which could speculatively lead to interactive screensavers.

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iOS 4.3 gaming Apple TV