Twitter turns 5 years old

Andre Yoskowitz
21 Mar 2011 21:21

Twitter turns 5 years old

Today in 2006, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey sent off the very first tweet, an unimpressive message that read "just setting up my twttr."

Since then, over 30 billion tweets have been made and Twitter has become synonymous with social networking just like Facebook and LinkedIn.

In the private market, Twitter has been valued at $8-10 billion although an IPO is not in the cards for 2011.

Despite the huge valuation, Twitter expects to see 2011 revenue of just $150 million, and possibly some profit.

Twitter has over 125 million users, and 500,000 new join each day. Overall, CEO Dick Costolo says there are now 1 billion tweets sent every 8 days.

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