RIM BlackBerry PlayBook getting video chat and Facebook apps

Andre Yoskowitz
2 May 2011 16:27

RIM BlackBerry PlayBook getting video chat and Facebook apps

The RIM BlackBerry PlayBook tablet will be getting Facebook and video chat apps in the next month, giving owners two of their most wanted demands.

RIM says the FB app was built specifically for the PlayBook's larger screen, working off the BlackBerry's popular smartphone app.

As is standard, the app will allow for watching videos and viewing photos, using FB chat, commenting/liking, and viewing other friend's profiles.

Says RIM's social networking boss:

There are over 30 million users of our Facebook for BlackBerry smartphones app who are staying in touch with their social network while on the go. Now with Facebook for BlackBerry PlayBook we can also offer customers highly engaging social experiences optimized for the PlayBook, including the ability to share FaceBook pictures and videos with friends and family on an HDTV.

Giving users a native video chat app (like FaceTime for iOS), PlayBook owners can use Wi-Fi and the built-in 5MP front-side camera to video or voice chat with other PlayBook owners.

Adds the company:

BlackBerry is a renowned mobile communication solution for connecting users to the people and information that matter most throughout their day. With the BlackBerry PlayBook Video Chat application we are excited to be enabling our customers to share important moments and events with family and friends via video calls. With the BlackBerry PlayBook's high-resolution video cameras and stunning display, a Video Chat call is the next best thing to being there.

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