Guess what? Sony was hacked again

Andre Yoskowitz
4 Jun 2011 13:02

Guess what? Sony was hacked again

Marking at least the 7th time now, Sony has had another database hacked, this time with 120 users having their info (including passwords and mobile phone numbers) compromised.

Lebanese-based hacker "Idahc" hacked a small database of Sony Europe and then released the data on all the users.

Each of those users now has their username, password (in plain text no less), mobile numbers, work emails and websites available for all to see.

Idahc says he used a very simple SQL injection to access the database, which housed the user's data completely unprotected.

The hacker also hit the Canadian Sony Ericsson site last month, using similar methods.

(Story, pic via Sophos)

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