Consumers upset over Sears iPad price mistake

Andre Yoskowitz
18 Jul 2011 0:41

Consumers upset over Sears iPad price mistake

Earlier today, Sears inadvertently made 16GB/Wi-Fi iPad 2 available for $69, a healthy $430 of its retail price, and over $600 cheaper than Sears normally sells it through third-party vendor "GSM on Sale."

After seeing at least hundreds of purchases, Sears fixed the ad, cancelled all orders and apologized to buyers.

Said Sears:

Unfortunately ... one of the Marketplace third party sellers told us that they mistakenly posted incorrect pricing on two Apple iPad models on the Marketplace portion of the website.

If you purchased either of these products recently, your order has been cancelled and your account will be credited. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

The second model that was selling was the 32GB/Wi-Fi version, with a $179 price tag.

Angry consumers took to Twitter and Sear's own marketplace review page to vent frustrations but there is little they can do except accept that they aren't getting a $500 device for $69.

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