'Battlefield 3' beta gets hacked

Andre Yoskowitz
3 Oct 2011 12:14

'Battlefield 3' beta gets hacked

The Battlefield 3 limited beta has been hacked, with gamers now able to play all game modes, including the 128-player simultaneous Paris map.

The official beta only allows for 32 players at-a-time in the map, which was originally shown off at E3.

Developer DICE is certainly not happy with the development and has threatened to have users banned if they use the new levels.

Says the DICE rep:

Please avoid temptation and remain on those official servers while we work to have these servers dealt with. Playing on those servers can cause your account to become compromised, stats to be altered or other issues to arise which may lead to having your account banned by EA.

If your account gets banned it does mean any EA game you have your account would also be unavailable.

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