Malware on Android jumps 472 percent

Andre Yoskowitz
20 Nov 2011 22:45

Malware on Android jumps 472 percent

The Android smartphone OS has become a hotbed of malware, says Juniper Networks.

Since July, malware apps have increased 472 percent and that number is expected to continue growing.

Notes Juniper (via Fire):

The majority of malicious applications target communications, location, or other personal identifying information. Of the known Android malware samples, 55 percent, acts in one way or another as spyware. The other major type of attack, which make up 44%, are SMS Trojans, which send SMS messages to premium rate numbers owned by the attacker in the background of a legitimate application, without the person's knowledge. Once these messages are sent, the money is not recoverable, and the owners of these premium rate numbers are generally anonymous.

Unlike the iOS App Store, which has a review process and tight screening, the open nature of the Android Marketplace allows for widespread malware to be uploaded.

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