Cisco, Telia test 120Gbps connection in Sweden

James Delahunty
28 Nov 2011 5:48

Cisco, Telia test 120Gbps connection in Sweden

High-speed connection tests at DreamHack LAN event in Sweden.

Attendees of the event, estimated at 20,000 in total, were invited to test the world record-setting 120Gbps connection, which ran 186 miles between Stockholm and Jönköping. A previous record speed of 20Gbps had been set at the DreamHack Lan event too.

The test used Cisco hardware along with Telia's fiber network in the country. The project has been in the works since last summer, building a network that can connect up to 750,000 people and allow them all to stream multimedia at the same time and experience no ill effects to their Internet connection as a result.
The firms claimed that users would be able to download an entire movie in 47 thousandths of a second, putting aside the obvious problems of writing the data to a storage device, for example.

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