Warner boss mulls 'disc to digital' initiative

James Delahunty
2 Mar 2012 12:49

Warner boss mulls 'disc to digital' initiative

Scheme would let customers trade discs for digital copies.

Warner Home Entertainment Group President Kevin Tsujihara outlined the "disc to digital" scheme at a Morgan Stanley event in San Francisco. Basically, the initiative would see customers return discs they previously bought to stores in exchange for a digital copy on cloud storage.

Online retailers would also provide links to downloadable copies of disc contents. Tsujihara also talked about the possibility of having a digital copy of a movie automatically added to an online library when you play a purchased disc for the first time.

Such a scheme might make use of UltraViolet, an industry-backed standard cloud-based film library.

Movie studios are trying to come up with new initiatives in the digital space to lure customers away from piracy, and also from popular streaming services such as Netflix and Lovefilm. Such streaming services are used widely by consumers, but generate far less revenue for movie studios.

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