RIM to block sideloading apps to stop piracy

Andre Yoskowitz
9 Apr 2012 22:37

RIM to block sideloading apps to stop piracy

RIM will soon remove the ability to sideload apps on the BlackBerry Playbook in an effort to block piracy.

The future firmware update to the operating system will block all installation of apps not directly from the BlackBerry App World.

BlackBerry VP of Developer Relations, Alec Saunders, tweeted "piracy is a huge problem for Android devs, and we don't want to duplicate the chaotic cesspool of Android market" in response to a question about the update.
Saunders did note there would probably be a solution for devs who need to test their apps.

The exec also claimed that some developers have refused to work with RIM until sideloading is banned.

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