GoDaddy allowing rival VeriSign to host DNS servers

Andre Yoskowitz
10 Sep 2012 22:18

GoDaddy allowing rival VeriSign to host DNS servers

GoDaddy, hit by a day-long DNS outage that has affected thousands of customers, is now letting its rival VeriSign do the hosting.

This afternoon, GoDaddy transferred control of their DNS servers to VeriSign, signalling the site was unclear when they would be back up and running.

Websites and emails for small businesses were taken down, leading to distraught customers, and with good reason.

Earlier today, GoDaddy posted this statement: "We are experiencing intermittent outages. This is impacting our site and some customers' sites. The issue started shortly after 10am PDT." Additionally, CEO Scott Wagner added: "We are experiencing problems.nWe understand this is impacting some customers, and we take this situation very seriously. Everyone at is working to restore all sites affected by this outage as soon as possible."

GoDaddy hosts 5 million sites.

Anonymous hackers claimed credit for the outage, however it is an unverified claim as of yet. The company made enemies when it openly supported CISPA and SOPA, generally panned anti-piracy and spying measures introduced to Congress.

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